[00:00:00] Speaker A: Fun fact. If you subscribe to our Ko Fi on tinyurl.com supportpfd Rafina will be able to buy new boob socks.
[00:00:08] Speaker B: Support elderly halfling breasts. Support pork fried dice. Yay.
[00:00:16] Speaker A: You're listening to the show about mourning appendages. It's pork fried Dice.
I'm Eric and I'm the dungeon master.
[00:00:27] Speaker C: I'm Abby and I play Rafina.
[00:00:30] Speaker D: I'm Alex and I play Batwack.
[00:00:33] Speaker B: I'm KT and I play Will.
[00:00:37] Speaker E: I'm Adam and I play Roscoe.
[00:00:42] Speaker A: Hold on to your haversacks. Let's roll.
All right.
[00:00:49] Speaker C: Is it something you sent to I.
[00:00:51] Speaker D: I sent file to Eric and I will paste things into the chat at some point.
[00:01:03] Speaker A: Which one? This. This video called chat.
[00:01:08] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:01:08] Speaker A: Okay, cool.
[00:01:11] Speaker D: But maybe. Maybe I should do it afterwards. Yeah, you can try your best to hear things.
[00:01:18] Speaker A: Okay.
Previously on Pork Fried Dice.
[00:01:47] Speaker D: I see you, see me watch you flying by off into the sea o mo you've got to know I'm a skeleton cat the wind blows right through me low? You can't escape the giant eye? It's under you it sees a fairy do?
Giant eye, it's under you giant eye, it's watching you, watching you, watching you?
We had a show, it kinda sucked?
And your gyrating dance, baby, that ain't enough? So go above the deck and start getting in? I'm letting you go? Don't cry, the light looks just fine now you can't escape the giant eye, it's under you?
It's got a purple hue?
Giant eye, it's under you, giant eye?
It's watching you, watching you, watching you?
So I'm just gonna talk through this part because I don't know it that well. All you tried to save the crew, except they died. Oh, well, you see. Abandon ship. It's time to move on. What will we do?
Look at the. It's watching you.
Sees all your shoes.
Giant eye, it's watching you.
Giant eye, it's watching you.
It's watching.
It's got a purple hue.
It's watching you.
[00:04:19] Speaker A: It's not. You.
[00:04:23] Speaker D: Got a purple.
All right, bye. That's not even Captain.
[00:04:34] Speaker B: So great.
I love it.
[00:04:37] Speaker C: That's my recap.
[00:04:39] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
That's so great. I was in such a bad mood and I. I didn't think it was going to be possible for me to laugh at all, but that was amazing.
[00:04:51] Speaker C: You cured kt.
[00:04:53] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[00:04:56] Speaker A: Purple.
[00:04:57] Speaker B: Hey, you just like, like he William Shatner. The last part of it it amazing.
[00:05:03] Speaker A: I liked it. Sees all your shoes.
[00:05:06] Speaker C: That was my favorite part, too.
[00:05:09] Speaker B: So funny. Oh, thank you. That's so funny.
[00:05:13] Speaker E: What's the original song?
[00:05:16] Speaker B: It's like, from the 80s.
There was.
[00:05:20] Speaker C: I know you weren't born in the 80s.
[00:05:24] Speaker B: This is like the same. The silliest song. They're watching you, watching you, watching you, watching you. What was that?
[00:05:29] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:05:30] Speaker A: My mom played that for me while it was in her womb.
[00:05:33] Speaker B: Are you serious?
[00:05:34] Speaker A: No. Oh, I was just talking about how we weren't born in the 80s.
[00:05:39] Speaker B: Yeah. When. When you. Did you look up? What. You usually fast type and look things up, but you don't know when it was?
[00:05:44] Speaker A: I don't.
[00:05:45] Speaker B: I didn't look it up.
[00:05:46] Speaker C: It was definitely the 80s, if not the 70s, but I think it was the 80s.
[00:05:50] Speaker B: Hall of notes. Oh, shoot.
[00:05:52] Speaker A: Oh, shoot.
[00:05:53] Speaker C: Who's Hollow Notes?
[00:05:54] Speaker B: Yes. That's what it says about private eyes. A drama, a performer, professional hockey player named Matt Shade hangs up his skates. Nope, that's not my fallen notes.
Yeah. Hollow notes. 1981.
[00:06:08] Speaker D: Yeah. 81.
[00:06:09] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow.
[00:06:11] Speaker A: It could have been played for you in the womb.
[00:06:13] Speaker B: Could have been. Wow.
[00:06:15] Speaker C: That's right.
[00:06:16] Speaker D: I just turned 35 in 1981.
[00:06:18] Speaker B: Wow. You're so old.
That's amazing.
And now I'm looking, I'm reading about this song and I'm trying to remember what was the band? What's the band that. We've been. We thought we've discovered how funny that one freaking song is.
Now listen to this.
You're making my dreams come true. You know that song?
[00:06:43] Speaker A: Should we play that?
[00:06:44] Speaker B: No, no, no. Sure.
[00:06:45] Speaker A: But they can also use that part.
[00:06:48] Speaker B: Yeah, it's hollow notes, too. That's what I thought. O.
[00:06:50] Speaker C: So.
[00:06:51] Speaker B: So. So. It's hilarious, that song.
[00:06:53] Speaker A: I gotta play that part.
[00:06:54] Speaker B: Okay. That part. I. I have always liked that song. I mean, hollow notes are great, right? It's. I think it's. What did I just say?
[00:07:02] Speaker A: I don't remember.
[00:07:03] Speaker B: You're making. You make my dreams come true.
[00:07:06] Speaker C: Making my dreams come true. Yeah.
[00:07:09] Speaker B: Right. So.
[00:07:10] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:07:11] Speaker B: So when they were. It was this summer.
[00:07:15] Speaker A: All right, here it is.
[00:07:16] Speaker B: Okay. We were listening to it in the car, and I was saying, I love this. This is such a great song. And like.
And I guess had you heard it as much as.
[00:07:25] Speaker A: I don't know if it's as much as you. I knew it.
[00:07:27] Speaker B: Pointed this out. And now every time I hear this song, I cannot. It's the funniest song to me ever because they. You hear them go. They introduce and then, like, nothing happens. Just listen. It's Amazing.
[00:08:01] Speaker C: Yeah, that's it. I think they wanted you to hear the ow.
[00:08:04] Speaker B: How funny is that? Like, I never noticed.
[00:08:09] Speaker A: And it's like a more boring, simple part of the song. Like, it'd be like a solo in a normal song or something.
[00:08:18] Speaker B: It's like Saxman. It's like the Lonely Island Saxman. So funny. Yeah. Jack Black. But, oh, my God. It's just the buildup is incred. Now I can. I still like the song. It's still a great, catchy song. But every time I'm like, thanks, Eric. You pointed out that they do less than what they were doing before.
[00:08:38] Speaker A: Get ready, y'all. Buckle up.
[00:08:48] Speaker B: Matt Mat.
That's it. That's ridiculous.
[00:08:53] Speaker A: And it's so long.
[00:08:54] Speaker B: It's so long.
Oh, my God. I love hollow notes. I just. I love them even more for that. They're so excited and just that silent. They even the ow is like way in the background, too. So that guy's, like, out of the studio saying that. Listen to that.
[00:09:11] Speaker A: Who's just some guy in the street.
[00:09:13] Speaker B: Yeah.
Weird. I love it. It's my favorite. Do you think if I keep that part of the song in, like, we'll get sued. I could keep, like, a piece of a song in that we're talking about. Nobody's gonna get mad, right?
[00:09:26] Speaker A: They're gonna come after us for all money we make.
[00:09:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Please have mercy on us. Okay, cool. Good. Good old halla notes. They're both alive. I have no idea.
[00:09:39] Speaker A: Probably.
[00:09:40] Speaker B: I have no idea.
[00:09:41] Speaker A: I've got that H and O money.
[00:09:43] Speaker B: Let's see. Daryl Hall.
He's not dead. John Oats. Not dead.
[00:09:51] Speaker C: Yay.
[00:09:51] Speaker B: We did it.
[00:09:54] Speaker C: They made it this far.
[00:09:59] Speaker B: They're also the ones that do. You're a rich girl and a.
You know, it don't matter anyway. They're great. They're fun.
[00:10:08] Speaker A: Man's money. You can rely on your old man's money.
[00:10:11] Speaker B: It's a girl. Better be money. Money. Okay, Are we playing? I don't know. What's going on?
[00:10:19] Speaker A: I think we're singing hollow notes.
[00:10:21] Speaker B: I'm going to keep singing hollow notes.
[00:10:23] Speaker A: All right, so. Hello, everyone.
[00:10:25] Speaker B: Hi. Hi.
[00:10:27] Speaker A: Or should I say I, everyone?
[00:10:34] Speaker C: No, you shouldn't. You really shouldn't.
[00:10:36] Speaker A: Oh, no.
Well, just throw me in the pig sty, then.
[00:10:43] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:10:46] Speaker C: I think someone needs to.
Oh, never mind. I ruined my own joke. I wanted to work in the word pupil, but I blew it.
[00:10:56] Speaker B: You gotta go take a pupil.
[00:10:57] Speaker A: You gotta say to yourself, iris, Kit, Iris, Kit.
[00:11:01] Speaker B: Oh, Iris. I was like, irisk, what's that?
[00:11:04] Speaker A: Yeah.
Was that too corny?
[00:11:08] Speaker B: Is this what you wrote all day?
[00:11:10] Speaker A: No.
[00:11:10] Speaker B: You just sat there writing these crap.
[00:11:12] Speaker A: I didn't write it all day at all.
Threw golf disc around.
[00:11:16] Speaker B: You did. You did throw a golf disc around.
[00:11:19] Speaker A: I didn't mean to Sclera you.
I didn't mean to.
[00:11:28] Speaker B: I don't. I don't know how that one works. If it does. Does it. Oh, scare. I was like, sclera. What is that?
[00:11:36] Speaker A: I didn't have to explain it. So it works?
[00:11:38] Speaker B: Yeah, it was perfect.
[00:11:38] Speaker A: That's the rule.
I just stared at you 50 lashes.
[00:11:44] Speaker C: With a wet noodle.
[00:11:45] Speaker B: Nice.
[00:11:46] Speaker A: Whatever you're into.
[00:11:47] Speaker C: Not nice at all. It's terrible.
[00:11:49] Speaker A: It is.
With a wet noodle. What would that hurt?
[00:11:56] Speaker B: Was she. Yeah, that's what they say to like kids and Abby's. Abby's the nice person, remember?
[00:12:01] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:02] Speaker B: She wouldn't say like beat you with a real whip or a belt.
[00:12:06] Speaker C: Eric.
[00:12:07] Speaker B: Eric's like, why is wet noodle? Why wet noodle? That's weird. I. I've always heard it directed at like children. Like cuz it's silly. It's a.
[00:12:16] Speaker A: Well, I'm an adult.
I'm an adult.
[00:12:20] Speaker B: I'm an adult. So I'm offended that you use wet noodle.
[00:12:23] Speaker A: Well, sorry guys.
[00:12:24] Speaker E: Eric, I think the there you had some struggles with the jokes, but otherwise I. I have. I have faith that you've retina. Good session tonight.
[00:12:35] Speaker C: Adam's been thinking that one up for the last three minutes and it was good. I'm glad you did it. I tried retina and I gave up very quickly.
[00:12:44] Speaker A: Oh yeah. Too many morning after jitters after trying retina like Ritalin. I don't know, it just sounded like she was.
[00:12:55] Speaker B: I want to give you a high five, but I can't because that's what you said. Kt, that's so good. Look, I want give you the high five, but I can't because that's what you said and he wasn't even trying to give me a high five. He put it up afterwards. That's so sad after I already said I wouldn't.
[00:13:14] Speaker E: They've already said that you're not getting the one.
[00:13:16] Speaker B: Oh, that was an option.
[00:13:21] Speaker E: Oh, jeez.
[00:13:24] Speaker B: You're okay. You're it. You got it. You've done it.
[00:13:27] Speaker A: Done what?
[00:13:28] Speaker B: We're making eye.
[00:13:29] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. One of those will be the show title, right?
[00:13:35] Speaker B: It's definitely conjunctivitis. You didn't do that one. I'm just trying to think of any I word. I couldn't think of anything. You said sclera. You said sclera.
[00:13:45] Speaker A: I believe that all of my statements were full of aqueous humor.
[00:13:52] Speaker C: Aqueous.
[00:13:52] Speaker D: I don't know if there's anything we can do to cataract this.
[00:13:55] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:13:59] Speaker E: Guys, I don't. I don't know about this.
[00:14:02] Speaker D: Adam's dying.
[00:14:04] Speaker E: We were like. I mean, the amount of time we're spending on this. Consider the optics.
[00:14:08] Speaker A: Are you looking at a page of eye related terms?
[00:14:12] Speaker C: I think he must be.
[00:14:13] Speaker E: No.
[00:14:15] Speaker A: You changed your posture and reached for your mouse. I suspected something.
[00:14:21] Speaker E: No, I googled sclera earlier and in the AI overview of has retina and optic nerve, so those were the two that I was going to.
[00:14:34] Speaker A: Got it.
The sclera is the albumin of the eye.
[00:14:39] Speaker B: What is the sclera?
[00:14:40] Speaker A: It's the white part.
[00:14:41] Speaker E: He just said.
[00:14:43] Speaker A: Well, the album of the eye, but he just said.
[00:14:46] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Wait, you even said that. White sclera with red orange veins. I should have remembered. You should have, but I didn't.
Oh, well, I just looked down and saw it, so that's good.
[00:14:59] Speaker C: Okay, you guys, remind us where everyone's.
[00:15:01] Speaker A: Standing on the eye.
[00:15:03] Speaker C: All of us are literally so, like.
[00:15:05] Speaker B: The lids moved and we were just able to. We were just now on the ball. The bowel.
[00:15:09] Speaker A: Well, it's up to you.
The. The, The.
[00:15:12] Speaker B: The.
[00:15:12] Speaker A: The lids have moved back to basically the edge of this. I'm floating round. Aisle. I know.
[00:15:19] Speaker B: Floatin.
[00:15:20] Speaker A: I'm floating.
[00:15:21] Speaker C: Aisle.
[00:15:21] Speaker A: Aisle. Eyelet. Eyelet.
[00:15:25] Speaker B: Yeah. You said the eyelids of the eyelet last time, and I like that.
[00:15:30] Speaker A: Yeah. And the eye is looking and you can see it moving. Like the pupil and iris are shifting around. The ball is rolling as if trying to get a sight on things, but very slowly.
[00:15:46] Speaker B: Hmm.
[00:15:48] Speaker A: So where is everyone standing?
Roll call.
[00:15:55] Speaker D: I think I was hovering over the eye.
[00:15:57] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:15:58] Speaker A: Roscoe.
[00:16:01] Speaker E: Is there a surface. Is there non eye surface to stand on?
[00:16:05] Speaker A: There's like the lids have bunched up along the edge. There's also a short row of what looks like scrubby bushes at the north northwest edge.
[00:16:19] Speaker E: Rasco's on one of the scrubby bushes. He said whenever there's a scrabby bush around, he's on it.
[00:16:23] Speaker A: On the scrubby bush, like clinging to it or have you, like, belly flopped onto it?
[00:16:28] Speaker E: Rascal likes scrubby bushes.
So I don't think he belly flopped, though. I think he's hugging the scrubby bush.
[00:16:41] Speaker B: So cute.
[00:16:41] Speaker A: Rafina.
[00:16:44] Speaker C: Just standing normally next to the scrubby bush.
[00:16:48] Speaker A: Okay, Will pop y. I think I.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: Said I am floating.
[00:16:54] Speaker A: Yeah, but I didn't do roll call for you.
[00:16:56] Speaker B: Oh, sorry.
[00:16:57] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.
[00:16:57] Speaker E: He needed to do it with his cool delivery.
[00:17:00] Speaker B: I'm floating above the eye with my boots of flying.
[00:17:03] Speaker A: Special delivery. She me.
He is standing back on the other edge, not by the scrubby bushes, but on the other rim of the eye.
Mo. He's just standing on the eye.
What is everybody doing? As this eye is slowly looking around.
[00:17:31] Speaker B: Oh, God. We need to get boats. Have we gotten the boats down? Let's get away from this thing.
[00:17:35] Speaker D: Someone got the lifeboats, and someone did that.
[00:17:39] Speaker B: Yeah, somebody did. Some of us. We got the light boats out. Yeah, let's get out of here. Probably right.
I'm, like, gesturing towards the boats.
[00:17:50] Speaker E: Roscoe's looking at the. How big is this eye? How. How. How big is this thing?
[00:17:55] Speaker A: Did I say before? I don't want to contradict myself.
[00:17:57] Speaker C: It was just giant.
[00:17:59] Speaker A: I think it's maybe, like, the diameter of the eye.
[00:18:06] Speaker B: 150 yards. Diameter. 150, yeah. Okay, you said it's underscrubbing.
[00:18:12] Speaker E: 50 yards.
[00:18:13] Speaker B: Yeah, diameter. And you say, isn't that one and a half.
[00:18:17] Speaker E: One and a half football fields?
[00:18:18] Speaker A: Yes. Not counting the end zones.
[00:18:22] Speaker E: That's huge.
[00:18:25] Speaker B: It's pretty big. Yeah. As an eyeball, you got plenty of room. Yeah, no problem, guys.
[00:18:31] Speaker E: Pride, real estate.
God, that. No, that's way bigger than I was. Jesus, Lord. That almost defy, like, defies comprehension in terms of. I mean, Roscoe was gonna maybe try, like.
Like, how can we even tell from where we are that it's an eye? Yeah, like, wouldn't we have to be further up to even be able to.
[00:18:56] Speaker A: See that maybe the ground moved out.
[00:19:00] Speaker E: From under you and we saw, like, eyelids part.
[00:19:05] Speaker A: Yeah, kind of. Yeah. It was like a seam appeared on the eyelet.
[00:19:11] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm definitely trying to get horrifying. Let's get on the boats. Yeah, let's get on the boats.
[00:19:17] Speaker E: Yeah. No, the size of that now seems like. Like, it was like. Like there. Like, it was a weather event, this happening.
[00:19:24] Speaker C: Can we really even tell it's an eyeball if it's that big? Like, how.
[00:19:27] Speaker A: That's what Adam was asking.
[00:19:28] Speaker E: What I was wondering.
[00:19:29] Speaker A: Like, I. I mean, bathwack and will maybe can depending on how high.
[00:19:32] Speaker E: Right.
[00:19:32] Speaker C: Because they're hovering.
[00:19:33] Speaker D: I can tell from the texture.
[00:19:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. Like, is it. Is it a jelly, like, texture? Is the eye an eye, or is it, like, rock? Because you said the lids were like sand. They were like. We touched those. They were solid.
[00:19:46] Speaker A: Yeah. You See, Moe is on it. He's not, like, jumping on it like a trampoline.
He said it's sleepy.
[00:19:56] Speaker B: Moe, get away from there. To the boat, please. This is disgusting. Guys, it's a huge eye. What?
Giant eye. Let's go.
[00:20:06] Speaker A: And you all hear it seems to be coming. It's a huge sound. Maybe coming from around the area where Roscoe and Rafina are standing, clinging. And it says.
[00:20:29] Speaker F: Monarch of gullies and in need.
[00:20:47] Speaker B: Whoa, whoa.
[00:20:49] Speaker E: I was gonna say, is the monarch of Gully's End in the building?
[00:20:52] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:20:56] Speaker A: In the house?
[00:21:05] Speaker C: It depends.
[00:21:07] Speaker D: Who are we talking to?
[00:21:10] Speaker C: You say out loud.
[00:21:11] Speaker D: Yeah. Who's there?
[00:21:14] Speaker F: It is I, the Dusk Queen.
[00:21:27] Speaker B: Whoa.
[00:21:28] Speaker C: Dusk.
[00:21:31] Speaker E: The dusk. The d. Queenie Bay.
[00:21:39] Speaker F: Is the monarch of gullies and.
[00:21:44] Speaker C: Yes, yes, he's in need. Yes, yes. You don't have to say it again here.
[00:21:48] Speaker B: Yes, yes.
[00:21:50] Speaker C: I'll blow our cover.
[00:21:56] Speaker A: What?
[00:21:56] Speaker F: What is your need, O Queen?
[00:22:02] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:22:05] Speaker C: Wait, who are you addressing?
[00:22:08] Speaker B: You.
[00:22:11] Speaker F: Are you not the monarch of gullies and.
[00:22:24] Speaker C: Oh, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. No, it's not me. It's. It's that guy over there.
[00:22:29] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:22:32] Speaker F: Sorry.
[00:22:34] Speaker C: No apology needed.
[00:22:35] Speaker B: Bad thwack.
[00:22:38] Speaker E: Please tell me it's huge. Pupil like. Drifts over just ever so slightly.
[00:22:42] Speaker A: It does? Yeah. It's looking around, but it's.
[00:22:45] Speaker D: Oh, it can't actually see us because we're just tiny.
[00:22:49] Speaker B: Yeah, I know.
[00:22:50] Speaker D: Specs.
[00:22:52] Speaker F: As you know, I am at your service.
[00:23:09] Speaker D: Guys, I didn't know that.
[00:23:14] Speaker E: Roscoe will give you a reassuring like. It's okay.
[00:23:18] Speaker B: It's okay. Just.
[00:23:19] Speaker E: We're gonna go with it.
[00:23:20] Speaker F: I am so happy that you have come to seek me.
Yeah, I thought I may have been forgotten. Gotten.
[00:23:55] Speaker A: Is Will. On a boat halfway around the world.
[00:23:59] Speaker B: Will's left everybody.
[00:24:02] Speaker D: Have. Have we met before?
[00:24:07] Speaker F: I don't believe so.
Are you over 500 years old?
[00:24:32] Speaker D: No.
[00:24:34] Speaker F: Then no, we have not met.
[00:24:43] Speaker D: How?
I'm starting to talk slower.
[00:24:48] Speaker B: Yes, you are.
[00:24:49] Speaker D: Maybe I can talk faster. How do you know me? Or us?
[00:24:55] Speaker A: I.
[00:24:57] Speaker F: My existence is for the rulers of gullies. And as you know, I was saved by a Gully's End monarch eons ago.
[00:25:31] Speaker E: Pathwack. Does any of this sound familiar? I mean, you're from Gully's End. Did you take any history classes?
[00:25:40] Speaker D: No. No, not really.
[00:25:44] Speaker F: I have been indebted ever since I would lead my aid to them in times of need.
I have had no word in over five centuries.
But clearly you do know of me, and I haven't been lost to time, or else you wouldn't be here.
[00:26:45] Speaker D: Gullies End is in danger.
How can you help us?
[00:26:52] Speaker F: What do you need?
[00:26:59] Speaker C: Juliet Rusher is trying to.
[00:27:02] Speaker D: Go ahead. Rafina.
[00:27:03] Speaker C: Juliet Rusher is a danger to Gully's End.
[00:27:07] Speaker F: Who is that?
Is that a ship? I can sink?
[00:27:19] Speaker C: Well, she flies, so probably not.
Probably not.
[00:27:23] Speaker F: In a ship, there is a navy or armada or fleet I can destroy.
Point me in the right direction.
[00:27:58] Speaker D: Should we. I'm talking to whoever is nearby.
Should we just go right to the Capitol and smash everything in our way?
[00:28:14] Speaker C: Can we ride a tsunami wave there?
[00:28:19] Speaker D: Can you take us. Can you take us to the capital?
[00:28:24] Speaker F: I can take you through my bay and into the sea.
I can get close to the capital, but I cannot stray long from the deep waters.
[00:29:03] Speaker E: Dusk Queen. Dusk Queen? Is that your name? Is that what you want us to call you? Dusk Queen?
[00:29:09] Speaker F: You may just call me Dusk if you wish.
[00:29:22] Speaker E: Dusk.
Enlighten us. What exactly are you?
[00:29:31] Speaker F: I do not.
[00:29:39] Speaker E: I mean that. That resonates.
Okay, fair enough.
[00:29:45] Speaker F: Do you not know what you are?
[00:29:54] Speaker E: Arguably, I do.
[00:30:00] Speaker F: Oh.
[00:30:05] Speaker D: How much more of you is there under the water?
[00:30:12] Speaker F: I stride along the floor of the bay.
Oh, the bay is deep.
[00:30:32] Speaker D: How.
How can we travel together?
[00:30:38] Speaker F: You may perch upon my surface if you wish.
I can stay above the surface for some time, though I will need to blink occasionally.
[00:31:14] Speaker C: Can you just warn us and we'll jump at the right time?
[00:31:19] Speaker F: Okay.
[00:31:26] Speaker D: Guys, what do you think we should do?
Should we go close to the Capitol?
[00:31:32] Speaker C: Be the decider?
[00:31:35] Speaker D: Oh, you want me to decide?
[00:31:36] Speaker A: Well, I mean, we could talk it out. Or maybe I could be the decider. Sounds like a new rolls up for grabs.
[00:31:43] Speaker B: Yeah, Will's just floating there like this.
[00:31:47] Speaker A: Describe for the podcast.
[00:31:49] Speaker B: He's, like, gripping his face like indentations.
[00:31:53] Speaker A: Into his cheeks and reminiscent of Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. Yeah, Culin.
[00:31:58] Speaker C: Home Alone. Yes.
[00:31:59] Speaker A: Aftershave.
[00:32:00] Speaker B: He's just like, What? He's absorbing, but he can't bring himself to ask anything because he's just like, this is I. What is happening. Yep.
[00:32:10] Speaker E: This is great. This is.
I have to.
I can only assume that we are.
We could be far enough because of the size of his eyeball. Like, I think this is great bathwack.
Like, we could use the ally.
God knows we need as many as we could get.
[00:32:32] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:32:34] Speaker E: So I don't know. May I. I don't know if. But this is this thing.
You think this thing exists in our own reality, or is it just.
[00:32:48] Speaker C: It doesn't matter a Sliver thing.
It's trying to help us.
[00:32:53] Speaker E: You're right. It doesn't matter.
[00:32:55] Speaker D: I think it. Well, I mean, Dusk seems to have a longer memory than that.
[00:33:04] Speaker E: Than two weeks. Yeah, that's true.
[00:33:05] Speaker C: Ah, 500 years.
[00:33:12] Speaker D: How dusk. How were you?
How did the Monarchs help you?
[00:33:19] Speaker F: There was a great storm.
I washed up on the coast and was grievously harmed.
The current Queen of Gullies and ordered that I be returned to the water.
It Twas a great undertaking, but she succeeded.
[00:34:13] Speaker D: It must have taken everyone.
Did everyone come out?
[00:34:19] Speaker F: I do not know how many everyone is, but hundreds did come.
I have known many kings and queens of Gullies.
And over thousands of years.
[00:35:02] Speaker B: Has.
[00:35:05] Speaker F: It been a peaceful time over the past few hundred so that I was not needed?
[00:35:24] Speaker C: It's hard to answer.
Time hasn't been very linear for us.
[00:35:33] Speaker F: I do not understand.
[00:35:37] Speaker C: Neither do we. You're in good company. And speaking of company, do you have any friends?
[00:35:45] Speaker F: No about me, but the leaders of Gullies. And they say that others would seek to destroy me.
[00:36:13] Speaker C: That's terrible.
[00:36:15] Speaker B: I like was about to cast Eldritch Blast. But then I hold my hand up.
That's great.
[00:36:26] Speaker A: Everybody give me a. Oh, go ahead. One more.
[00:36:29] Speaker D: Oh. I just wanted to say it might be dangerous if you take us close something.
There's already something happening.
But there are also gods or some. There's something else going on underneath all of this that seems even bigger than the lack of peace.
[00:37:04] Speaker F: I am here to assist in a new way that I. And as you must know from your learnings as the King of Gullies. And that is my debt to.
[00:37:41] Speaker A: Everybody. Roll a perception check.
[00:37:44] Speaker B: Duh.
[00:37:45] Speaker A: You see a pretty bird.
[00:37:47] Speaker B: Phew.
[00:37:48] Speaker A: There. You shouldn't have freaked out.
[00:37:55] Speaker C: Oh, man.
[00:37:56] Speaker A: Nine from Rafina. Sixteen from Roscoe Lafleur. Nine from Bat Thwack.
And a 16 from Will Pompeian.
Roscoe and Will.
You hear a splashing, scrabbling sound and a gasp and Will, from your vantage point, you can see in the sort of midst of the wrecked SS Abalone.
Something has bobbed to the surface in between the two broken chunks of the boat.
You recognize it as one of the crew members of the Abalone.
[00:38:48] Speaker B: I have to help that guy. It's nothing to do with being over this eye or anything. I just have to go help that person.
See you later, guys. Just gotta go help somebody. That's what I always want to do.
[00:39:00] Speaker A: Gotta go to the Whiz Palace.
[00:39:01] Speaker B: Gotta go to the Whiz Palace.
Just fly. Yeah. He's like this Is handled. Hopefully. I'm gonna go over there and I try to. Who is this person?
Wait, where's. Where Gnar was with us. Right. Sean Indigo's dead or in pieces.
[00:39:21] Speaker A: Nar was with you.
[00:39:23] Speaker B: You said he was bleeding.
[00:39:24] Speaker A: We were told that Sue Broadmore took Broadmoor.
[00:39:26] Speaker B: Took a boat.
[00:39:28] Speaker C: Boat.
[00:39:28] Speaker D: Mo is injured, right?
[00:39:31] Speaker A: Someone healed him.
[00:39:32] Speaker C: We healed him.
[00:39:33] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:39:34] Speaker D: Oh, okay.
[00:39:34] Speaker A: I think Lafina did.
[00:39:37] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:39:39] Speaker A: So, yeah, you can go down. They are, like, barely pulling in air. Like, they're struggling. It looks like maybe they were trapped underwater maybe or something, but they're not dead.
[00:39:50] Speaker B: Okay. All right.
[00:39:52] Speaker A: So you can scoop them up.
[00:39:54] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:39:55] Speaker A: So just. I'll have to give you meta knowledge because I can't remember if you know what the person looks like or not, but it is Reed Thorin.
[00:40:03] Speaker C: Oh.
[00:40:04] Speaker A: I don't know if I feel like Will doesn't necessarily.
[00:40:06] Speaker B: I don't think I know that this is. Yeah. Like, he never told me the guy's name. And if I've seen him, it's just crew guy that I don't give a about.
[00:40:14] Speaker A: So it's just one of the crew as far as.
[00:40:15] Speaker B: But I'm helping because that's what I gotta do. That's what I gotta do.
[00:40:20] Speaker D: Yep.
[00:40:21] Speaker A: Look to the helpers. That's what Mr. Roger says.
[00:40:23] Speaker B: Look to me.
[00:40:24] Speaker A: Look to Will Pompey.
Why didn't he say that?
[00:40:28] Speaker B: In the face of tragedy, look to.
[00:40:31] Speaker C: Look to Wilpump. There's a good T shirt. I like it.
[00:40:36] Speaker A: Don't you dare.
[00:40:40] Speaker B: This is him saying that. Don't you dare look at me at all.
[00:40:44] Speaker E: Roscoe will nod toward the crew member to Bathwack and Rafina, in case they haven't noticed or heard or seen him.
[00:40:56] Speaker A: Well, you saw Will zoom off.
[00:40:58] Speaker C: Okay.
And so Rafina would have watched Will go and then saw Roscoe nod and would not try to follow or anything because this eye is pretty important.
[00:41:16] Speaker A: So, King Batwack, do we get to ride I. To your place where you live?
[00:41:23] Speaker D: Does that sound like fun, Mo?
[00:41:25] Speaker A: I mean, I think so.
[00:41:28] Speaker D: I mean, we could. We could go for swims.
[00:41:31] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:41:32] Speaker D: Next to the eye. Climb out and try, like, races around a circle.
[00:41:37] Speaker C: But we don't. But we.
[00:41:38] Speaker A: We.
[00:41:38] Speaker C: We don't know.
[00:41:39] Speaker D: Towels on the eyeball.
[00:41:41] Speaker C: On the. The better. Be it like a microfiber so we don't irritate it. But we should find out, like, what kind of travel prep we should do. Is it going to be a fast ride?
[00:41:51] Speaker B: How does this baby go to, like, is it because no matter what it's Going to be breezy if. If Will comes back and drops this guy on the island and is like, wait a second. Are we talking about camping now? Because if we are, I have something to say.
[00:42:07] Speaker C: Well, what if we just hung on to one eyelash and it blinks and then it, like, transports us like a catapult to where we need to go?
[00:42:15] Speaker A: Yeah, no, that's how.
[00:42:17] Speaker D: That's how. That's how we disembark once we get over to the capital. The capital is, like, way off in the distance. We're in the deep water, and.
[00:42:26] Speaker A: Yeah, drop, like, some mustard in the eye so it gets to blink real hard.
[00:42:33] Speaker D: Oh, no, no, no. We drop the mustard in, and then it sneezes.
[00:42:37] Speaker B: Oh, no. Yeah.
[00:42:38] Speaker C: You see the size of the nose?
[00:42:40] Speaker B: Oh, God.
[00:42:44] Speaker C: Dusk. How fast do you travel?
[00:42:48] Speaker F: We could reach the.
[00:42:55] Speaker A: This is Eric. What's. What's the. What's the end of a river called where it meets, like, the ocean estuary?
[00:43:03] Speaker B: Is that what the delta?
[00:43:04] Speaker A: I mean, delta is a specific. I think both of those. The mouth. Yeah, that's. I think the.
[00:43:09] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:43:11] Speaker E: All right, now let's do a bunch of mouth puns.
[00:43:13] Speaker A: Adam, don't be ridiculous.
[00:43:16] Speaker C: Why would we do that?
[00:43:22] Speaker B: Everyone's just trying to think of something.
[00:43:27] Speaker A: Kt, just edit out five minutes of silence.
[00:43:30] Speaker C: Guys, the orifice today. Guys.
[00:43:35] Speaker F: I could reach the mouth of the gullies and river in two days.
[00:43:51] Speaker D: That sounds like a comfortable trip. Guys, that sounds like out on the eyeball.
[00:43:56] Speaker A: Comfortable.
[00:43:57] Speaker D: It sounds like camping out on the eyeball, looking at the stars.
[00:44:01] Speaker C: What happens when she blinks?
[00:44:06] Speaker F: We already discussed that.
[00:44:13] Speaker C: But it's. Will we be jumping, like, five times a minute?
[00:44:17] Speaker F: No.
[00:44:19] Speaker C: Which I don't mind less.
[00:44:24] Speaker B: Is there a surface?
Is there a surface? Like when the.
[00:44:28] Speaker F: No.
[00:44:29] Speaker B: You're saying the scraggly bushes are still there. So there is a surface that isn't just the eyelid there. Is there enough space that it looks like on this giant football field or football and a half.
[00:44:39] Speaker A: Yeah, like around the edge.
[00:44:40] Speaker B: You could probably camp on this delightful island.
[00:44:45] Speaker C: Well, is there anything we can do to make it more as comfortable as possible for you? Dusk?
[00:44:52] Speaker F: I am fine.
You are. But most to me physically, anyway.
[00:45:12] Speaker C: Thanks.
[00:45:13] Speaker E: Did we say last time how long of a trip it would be for us to get to land?
[00:45:19] Speaker B: I think it was about two days if we were just going to the land. That's by boat.
[00:45:24] Speaker A: By rowboat. Yeah, by rowboat to just the nearest shore.
[00:45:28] Speaker B: Yeah. And this is where the mouse.
[00:45:30] Speaker A: Look at the map. You can see the map. It's Up.
[00:45:32] Speaker B: Yeah. And Will wouldn't know this, I guess, necessarily.
[00:45:35] Speaker A: No.
[00:45:36] Speaker B: So where is the. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's much further than we could have gotten.
[00:45:41] Speaker E: Interesting.
Does Gully sand. We know that they're watching the ports.
[00:45:54] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:45:54] Speaker E: Does Gully's End have, like, a significant naval fleet? Do you think that there would be a way to draw out Juliet Rush's forces? Do we? Are we. Is our understanding that she is currently in charge of Kelly's End?
[00:46:23] Speaker B: She implied that, I think, or she. It seemed either that she is the leader or that she will get leadership by serving, you know?
[00:46:34] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:46:34] Speaker D: Yeah. Isn't the idea that the. That the king and queen are in exile somehow.
[00:46:40] Speaker E: Yeah, probably. We probably don't want to, like, just, like, destroy a fleet of people who are just, you know, following Juliet Tortoise because she took over. Maybe. I don't know.
[00:46:55] Speaker D: Maybe we just want to distract them, like you said, and then.
And then have the burial ceremony.
[00:47:06] Speaker C: Well, does dusk have any other body parts that you could. Dusk. That you could, like, raise out of the sea to distract everybody?
[00:47:15] Speaker E: This is not a time giant place.
[00:47:18] Speaker D: Thumbs up.
[00:47:19] Speaker A: Thumbs up.
[00:47:21] Speaker C: Maybe cover up the sun. And.
[00:47:25] Speaker B: I guess the. The one thing that Will would ask. I don't. Unless we remember what that. What were we talking about? Did anyone say anything?
[00:47:32] Speaker A: Body parts?
[00:47:32] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:47:32] Speaker E: Abby asked if it could raise its dick.
[00:47:35] Speaker C: I. That's not what Abby asks.
[00:47:38] Speaker D: That's what I heard, too.
[00:47:39] Speaker B: I heard it.
[00:47:41] Speaker C: I wanted it to be repeated like a tentacle. Is dusk. Is there something you could raise up in, like, another body part that would, like, block out sun or. Or that you could wave and distract them all?
[00:47:57] Speaker F: I mean, when we get close to the mouth of the Rev, or a significant portion of my body will be above. What.
[00:48:23] Speaker B: Okay, well, but maybe we don't want to do that. Maybe we still want to take a. I mean, you know, taking this crazy. This creature.
Sand pile across the water is better than walking. I don't know. Is it better than walking across land? I don't know. Anyway, the thing we have to worry about is that, you know, we also have people that we've sent across land who are supposed to be raising an army or whatever, so. I don't know. How much are you pointing at me?
[00:48:55] Speaker A: I'm just wondering what you did with the person you saved.
[00:48:59] Speaker B: I just dumped him on the island.
[00:49:00] Speaker A: On the Eye.
[00:49:02] Speaker B: Well, if there's.
[00:49:04] Speaker A: Yeah, okay. I. Sorry, I don't know if you said that or not, but I wanted.
[00:49:09] Speaker B: I said. I just dumped him and said. Are we talking about camping Batwack.
[00:49:13] Speaker A: You would see that that's read. Thorin.
[00:49:16] Speaker D: Oh, wait, sorry. Did I miss something? What did Will do with him?
[00:49:21] Speaker A: Just dumped him on the edge of the eye either near.
[00:49:27] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to fly over because I read. I thought you were dead.
[00:49:36] Speaker F: I almost was.
[00:49:40] Speaker D: How'd you get out?
[00:49:43] Speaker A: There was pocket of air.
I was able to make my way out and swim up the surface.
What happened?
[00:50:05] Speaker D: Does he need to be healed?
[00:50:07] Speaker A: It probably wouldn't hurt. Hurt?
[00:50:10] Speaker D: All right. That's. I mean like not just medical care, but I'll actually heal him then.
[00:50:17] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:50:18] Speaker D: I don't know. 10 hit points.
[00:50:21] Speaker A: Cool. He turns over and wretches up a bunch of bay water.
Thank you, my king.
Thank you.
What? What happened? Where. Where are we?
What is that voice?
[00:50:42] Speaker D: We're on an island.
[00:50:46] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:50:50] Speaker B: Yeah. A giant island. Hahaha. It's a giant eyeball.
[00:50:54] Speaker A: Look.
[00:50:54] Speaker B: Check it out, guy.
[00:50:58] Speaker A: Oh, hello by the way.
[00:51:02] Speaker B: You're welcome. Hello.
[00:51:06] Speaker A: What? Oh, did you. Were you the one that pulled me from the water? Thank you.
[00:51:10] Speaker B: Don't look at me anymore. Anyway, no, thank you. Okay, so I'm ignoring him.
[00:51:17] Speaker A: No, thank you.
[00:51:21] Speaker C: Was there anyone else who was alive that you could see?
[00:51:25] Speaker A: I didn't see anybody. I see all of you. Thankfully, you're all. You've all made it out. I was worried I was the only one.
[00:51:31] Speaker B: Are there any luxurious beds we can take onto this island as we journey across the ocean in the breeze?
[00:51:40] Speaker D: Is the ship. Is the ship.
Is the ship sinking? Or is it like stuck on.
[00:51:48] Speaker A: The back half is definitely like mostly gone. If not completely gone. The front half is kind of smooshed up onto the eye.
[00:52:02] Speaker D: Yeah, Will, I guess we could go pull stuff out if we think it's useful.
[00:52:06] Speaker B: Yeah, like, let's not sleep on a giant eyeball alone, like without anything.
[00:52:13] Speaker C: I think we should. Yeah. Let's pull the ship up.
[00:52:17] Speaker B: What? The big ship.
[00:52:21] Speaker A: Rafina bears one bicep.
[00:52:25] Speaker B: Pull the whole cruise ship up.
[00:52:28] Speaker A: Rafina, the riveter.
[00:52:30] Speaker B: We can do it.
Yeah, I mean like I'll float over there and see. Is there anything that would be good for like making a shelter? Not that Will's not a camper. He's like. What do I use here? Tarps? I don't. A tarp. I've heard that they are useful when you camp.
[00:52:47] Speaker D: We can go sleep in the captain's quarters and play piano.
[00:52:51] Speaker C: Yeah, well, like can't. Maybe dust could like rotate suddenly to the right and the ship would like.
[00:52:59] Speaker D: Flip the whole ship into the sea.
[00:53:01] Speaker C: Well, no, it Would, like, flip up onto the surface nicely.
[00:53:04] Speaker B: Wait, wait, wait.
[00:53:05] Speaker D: Wait for me to get on the ship first and then try.
[00:53:09] Speaker C: My plans like this always go.
[00:53:11] Speaker E: Well, it sounds like we're asking Dusk to play hacky sack with the ship.
[00:53:16] Speaker A: Yeah, why not?
[00:53:17] Speaker C: Exactly. You've got it, Adam. Roscoe.
[00:53:22] Speaker A: Once I tried to do a scorpion with a hacky sack, and I got a cut on my chin because I smashed it on the ground.
[00:53:29] Speaker B: What's a scorpion? What's a scorpion?
[00:53:30] Speaker C: Oh, like you put your head to the ground and hit it with your chin?
[00:53:34] Speaker A: No, you squeeze the hacky sack. Say it hits the ground. You squeeze it between your two feet and put your hands on the ground and then flip your legs, like, up and back over your head like a scorpion tail to pass.
[00:53:50] Speaker B: Eric used to be able to do things like this. I remember those days.
[00:53:53] Speaker A: I could still do it. I'll do it tomorrow.
[00:53:54] Speaker B: He was pretty cool. He was.
[00:53:57] Speaker A: He was pretty cool.
[00:53:58] Speaker B: Pretty cool in the day.
[00:53:59] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh.
[00:54:00] Speaker B: No, I just remember you did, like, kip ups and stuff and, like, all kinds of flippy things. You were a crazy man. You were always, like, jumping up on walls and you were like parkour. Parkour before parkour.
[00:54:13] Speaker C: Jumping up to get down.
[00:54:17] Speaker B: You did your heel clicks and things.
[00:54:19] Speaker A: Yeah, but only on the one side.
Couldn't do the other side.
[00:54:23] Speaker C: Dick Van Dyke, Failure.
[00:54:25] Speaker A: There's Abby talking about Dick again.
[00:54:31] Speaker C: Obsessed.
[00:54:32] Speaker A: Quite.
[00:54:34] Speaker B: Yeah.
Yeah. Do we need to build shelter? What are we doing? So, yeah, we need. What are we doing? Are we gonna need to camp out somewhere or lay low somewhere? How do we know? Okay. Out of character. Did we plan on, like, a date or, like, a time where the. What's the. What was the guy that we sent. That's supposed to fast. Yeah.
[00:54:54] Speaker A: We're not exactly sure how long it would take to be honest.
[00:54:56] Speaker B: Right. Yeah.
[00:54:57] Speaker A: I don't think there was a specific.
[00:54:59] Speaker B: Like, rendezvous, but we. Yeah, but this might significantly cut into our time, so it might just be, like, you know, it. It's great that if we get somewhere sooner than we expected, but we're gonna probably still want to go in, like, laying low. I would think so. Maybe dusk doesn't. I look around, like, every time I talk about this thing, like, it's a. I'm, like, looking nervously around at the football field, maybe dusk.
[00:55:26] Speaker F: Is it hard to know where to. To look?
[00:55:31] Speaker B: Does the eye suddenly look right at me?
[00:55:33] Speaker A: Not suddenly, but slowly.
[00:55:35] Speaker B: No, it's.
[00:55:37] Speaker F: I've heard that before.
[00:55:41] Speaker B: From who? Who knows about you? I thought you said nobody knows about you.
[00:55:44] Speaker F: The long dead monarchs of gullies.
[00:55:51] Speaker B: And do you have any friends your own size? I know somebody asked that already, but you need to make some friends your own size, you know what I'm saying?
[00:55:57] Speaker F: Cuz like no one is my size sounds pretty lonely.
[00:56:03] Speaker B: I'm looking nervously around like I don't know if I'm offending this thing or what.
[00:56:08] Speaker A: Suddenly eyes popping up all over the bay. No, I'm kidding.
[00:56:11] Speaker B: Oh my God.
[00:56:14] Speaker F: Everyone else is bigger.
[00:56:17] Speaker B: Oh my God.
[00:56:20] Speaker C: My name is Junior.
[00:56:22] Speaker B: Oh my God.
[00:56:24] Speaker F: Can't you tell I'm small from my high voice?
[00:56:29] Speaker B: I feel so bad for this thing. Like I want. I just want our new journey to just be trying to find this thing a friend. But Will doesn't care. He's just scared of it. So. But let's find it a friend. Guys, what is this thing? What is this shape?
[00:56:41] Speaker A: Like you don't know.
[00:56:42] Speaker B: I know.
[00:56:43] Speaker A: It's underwater.
[00:56:44] Speaker B: I know.
[00:56:44] Speaker C: But by the time we get there, we'll see most of it.
[00:56:47] Speaker A: Rafina's why.
[00:56:51] Speaker E: He wants to see this thing's other body part.
[00:56:54] Speaker C: That's a good idea.
[00:57:01] Speaker B: Hey, anybody good at building shelters? I look at Reed. Thorin. I don't know his name yet, or maybe I heard him say Reed. But hey, you good at building things? Building a building a whole building in one day that I can stay in. I know I have a tent. At least I have a tent. Guys. Good luck, all of you.
[00:57:18] Speaker C: I have a terrarium and a tiny hut.
[00:57:23] Speaker B: I don't think you should live in that terrarium, Rafina. It's not suitable for. It's not life.
It's not free of scorpions. Exactly.
[00:57:37] Speaker C: But it's just for a couple of days.
[00:57:40] Speaker B: What are we gonna do for two days on this thing?
[00:57:44] Speaker F: We could get to know each other.
[00:57:51] Speaker B: Is it still looking at me? Stop. Why are you looking at me?
[00:57:54] Speaker A: Look at Bathwack.
[00:57:55] Speaker B: He's right there.
I know, but Bathwack's there.
[00:57:59] Speaker A: Are you saying this out loud?
[00:58:00] Speaker B: Yes, I'm just pointing at Bathwack.
[00:58:02] Speaker F: We're having a conversation.
[00:58:09] Speaker C: I feel like we could be halfway there already. Are we going?
[00:58:13] Speaker B: Yes.
That's amazing.
[00:58:16] Speaker A: Yeah. All the bushes fall away. There's seven Evinrude outboard motors. They all dip into the water.
[00:58:22] Speaker B: Evan Rude.
[00:58:23] Speaker A: It's a brand.
[00:58:24] Speaker C: Is that a brand?
[00:58:25] Speaker B: Who the hell would know that, babe? What are you talking about?
[00:58:28] Speaker A: I only know it because of Robin Williams.
[00:58:30] Speaker B: What?
[00:58:30] Speaker A: He refers to one. I had to look it up because he had it. It was in like one of his stand up routines.
[00:58:36] Speaker B: Listen, you aren't Robin Williams talking about Eric.
[00:58:39] Speaker A: I remember what it was he said talking about getting a colonoscopy.
[00:58:43] Speaker B: Oh, geez.
[00:58:44] Speaker A: And when they pull it out, he turned into an Evinrude because he just kept farting forever, and I didn't know.
[00:58:53] Speaker C: What an evil wake forest.
[00:58:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess so.
[00:58:56] Speaker C: That's amazing.
[00:58:58] Speaker A: So that's why I know what an Evinrude is.
[00:59:00] Speaker B: All right, we're having a conversation. Well, anyway, so I don't think they.
[00:59:08] Speaker F: Vessel that crashed into me will stay lodged on me as we move.
[00:59:24] Speaker C: Oh, bummer.
[00:59:25] Speaker B: All right, who has levels in camping or survival? Like, look at Mo Moe. What do we need? What do we need from this boat?
[00:59:32] Speaker A: I mean, can you sleep on this ground?
[00:59:35] Speaker B: No.
[00:59:36] Speaker A: Oh, what do you need?
[00:59:38] Speaker B: What do you need? You can sleep on the ground.
[00:59:42] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:59:42] Speaker A: You guys don't even need sleep. Why do you need 10?
[00:59:46] Speaker C: We have to be awake for two days. On the eyeball.
[00:59:48] Speaker B: Yes. Standing on this deserted island, I mean, person or creature in the ocean air for two days is. Is like. I feel like it's not going to be very comfortable unless we build something or have some kind. You know what? Fine. Again, I have a tent. Good luck, everybody. I guess. But don't go knocking on my flap.
[01:00:10] Speaker F: Don't knock on my flap.
[01:00:11] Speaker B: Don't go knocking on my flap.
I'm just trying to look out for people. Never mind. If you guys think you won't be uncomfortable. That sounds great. Go cling to that scraggly bush.
[01:00:26] Speaker C: What's our other option? Am I allowed to call you Will yet?
[01:00:30] Speaker B: We. I don't know. So now we still if to get into Gully's End.
We still probably need to pretend that Batwack isn't bad. Is this thing is this high guy? What are you going to be? Would you. Would this what this thing be upset if it knew that we got to pretend?
[01:00:49] Speaker C: You know, I think it because it's militarily strategic. I think that this. That dusk would be on our side.
[01:00:59] Speaker B: So that's my guess. Announce that this is King Bathwack.
[01:01:04] Speaker F: Why not?
[01:01:05] Speaker B: There are some bad people that are trying to take over Gully's End. That's why we need to get there.
[01:01:14] Speaker F: Okay, that was not my voice.
[01:01:23] Speaker C: Boris Gump for a second.
[01:01:26] Speaker F: Jenna.
[01:01:28] Speaker D: Jennay.
[01:01:33] Speaker A: Hey, everyone. If you like what you hear, please leave us a kind review wherever you listen to us. Also, consider supporting us by subscribing to us on ko
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