Latest Episodes

June 18, 2018
76: Snickerdoodle
Well it's a good thing that mysterious golden angel abbot guy didn't try to kill us, because we'd definitely be dead. Instead, he gave...

June 11, 2018
75: This Corruption, It Affects Pronouns
We're all dining with the abbot, and he seems a little too excited about Ireena. Plus, we're still finding more of these freaky mongrelfolk....

June 03, 2018
74: Stitching a Rabbit to a Turnip
The flesh golem is dead, lying in a heap of body parts. Mongrelfolk are everywhere, but they don't seem to be bothering us too...

May 27, 2018
73: It's Either a Spell or an Auction House
While Raphina, Nick, Lank and Batthwack investigate the poopy-smelling hallway and battle for their lives against a flesh golem with a fear of bananas,...

May 21, 2018
72: Bananishment
We've defeated the guardians in the garden, but now there's a hall that smells like poop with what appears to be a giant hulk...

May 13, 2018
71: Sunshine Porcupine
We're once again in a battle for our lives. Batthwack is killing bad guys and gettin' mounted. Raphina is swinging a firey sword around,...