Latest Episodes

July 08, 2019
130: That Turtle Just Pushed That Hot Woman Off The Roof!
Two paths diverge, will they ever meet again? Tune in for another episode of Pork Fried Dice! Oh, also:

July 01, 2019
129: Does That Mean We Can Find David Bowie in Vallaki Right Now?
In lieu of an episode description (not that we usually provide a useful one), here's a link to a YouTube video that will prove...

June 24, 2019
128: EGG-SMR
Eric provided the best explanation for a saber-toothed tiger's behavior ever. He could've stopped the podcast right there and then, because he knows nothing...

June 17, 2019
127: We Will Break You With Our Eggs
Galdar's back in the story! We hate that guy!

June 10, 2019
126: Should We Start the Show Now? / Goatse Boulevard
We're back in Vallaki again Out where it seems it's the end Where the predatory wolves feed On the lowly peasants' feet Back in...

June 03, 2019
125: I Can't Believe I Complain How Slow Battles Are
It seems like the party has finally emerged from the Amber Tamblyn. What will they decide to do with this black carriage before them?