Show Notes
Welcome to the Haunted House of Strahd! Beware flying dummy vampires and teenagers dressed as creepy clowns!
Welcome to the Haunted House of Strahd! Beware flying dummy vampires and teenagers dressed as creepy clowns!
April 23, 2019
Time for the next leg of the Exethanter Tamblyn Tour! On your left, you can see a sarcophaguy! And on your right, keep an...
September 06, 2021
Episosde Description Reader Task Alert! Episosde Description Reader Task Alert! EDRTA! EDRTA! It's back to school time, and this week's task is all about...
September 27, 2021
Today's EDR task comes from someone in our community Discord, which is the perfect place to suggest such a thing. You need to head...