[00:00:00] Speaker A: I guess. Oh, you deleted it. You never just open a new window. All right. Hey, this is Tony URL telling you guys to go to tinyurl.com supportpfd and subscribe to the Pork Fried Dice Ko Fi. All right? They got bonus content like animated gifs, webcomic, and even, like, a super secret X Tree podcast that you can listen to. So do it or I'll kill you.
Thank you.
[00:00:31] Speaker B: You're listening to the show about recording a sick music video on an I. It's Pork Fried Dice.
I'm Eric and I'm the dungeon Master.
[00:00:44] Speaker C: I'm Abby and I play Rafina.
[00:00:47] Speaker D: I'm Alex and I play Batwack.
[00:00:50] Speaker A: I'm KT and I play Will.
[00:00:54] Speaker E: I'm Adam and I play Roscoe.
[00:00:59] Speaker B: Hold on to your haversacks. Let's roll.
Hey, any. Any publicity is good publicity.
[00:01:12] Speaker C: No such thing as bad publicity.
[00:01:16] Speaker B: Are we set? Are we leveled?
[00:01:17] Speaker A: I don't know. I've yawned a hundred times. In sixty seconds. Okay.
[00:01:21] Speaker B: Yawn in sixty seconds.
[00:01:23] Speaker E: God damn it. Yeah, that's so funny because, like, I was. I was like slowly. I was like, gone in 60 seconds. What could we do with this?
It's right there.
[00:01:36] Speaker A: Gone in 60 seconds.
[00:01:39] Speaker B: It's about some Swedish guy.
[00:01:41] Speaker A: Ion.
[00:01:42] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah, we're a Czech guy.
[00:01:45] Speaker A: Oh, no, I didn't mean to do that. How do I get out of this?
[00:01:48] Speaker B: What are you trying to do?
[00:01:49] Speaker A: I'm just trying to come back.
[00:01:51] Speaker D: Oh, no, I'm roll 20 click on him.
[00:01:54] Speaker A: Oh, shoot.
[00:01:56] Speaker C: It's because my leg hurts. Just kidding.
[00:01:58] Speaker D: Do you think you'll be able to play D and D with your. Your neural link implant?
[00:02:07] Speaker C: Do not know what you are talking about.
[00:02:12] Speaker B: All right. Should I do that? Are you good?
[00:02:14] Speaker A: Who knows? We're not gonna have an intro for this one at all because I'm just completely. I have no idea. Wiki Wacky Hoodle Doodles. Isn't that hilarious?
[00:02:23] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Health insurance, Beaver dam. Illegal removal.
[00:02:28] Speaker E: Do you think there's health insurance in D and D? Because. Because one thing. Another thing that happened to me recently is that I realized that somehow, for some reason, all of my D and D characters end up having diabetes.
[00:02:40] Speaker A: Oh, wait, Verbiage has diabetes. I know you said Ross recently in.
[00:02:45] Speaker E: A session, like, I just had him like. Like, he got hurt and he was bleeding and I just had him decide to, like, lick the blood. And I was like, oh, that's sweet.
[00:02:56] Speaker F: Taste that does not that sweet to you.
[00:02:58] Speaker E: And there's another character who said, yeah, yeah, you definitely have diabetes.
[00:03:02] Speaker F: I was like, oh, no.
[00:03:04] Speaker A: Oh my gosh.
[00:03:05] Speaker E: Roscoe in that bur.
[00:03:09] Speaker A: Okay, well, representation. How many people have diabetes? Characters. I've never heard of a diabetes.
[00:03:17] Speaker B: They didn't ask me if my DND character had diabetes.
[00:03:20] Speaker A: And during that time they should have.
It's very important.
[00:03:24] Speaker D: But also, isn't there just magical healthcare in D and D?
[00:03:27] Speaker A: Yes, exactly.
[00:03:28] Speaker D: And also extreme risk.
[00:03:30] Speaker E: Yeah. I think the same thing about Star Trek, though. Like if. If it was Star Trek, probably like nobody has diabetes anymore because they can just fix that.
[00:03:41] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly.
[00:03:45] Speaker B: Probably. Maybe. Maybe everybody has it.
[00:03:47] Speaker D: They'll. Yeah, well, I don't. Yeah, maybe they'll just be like, oh, shit, there's nothing we can do for you, but we can make a new clone of you.
[00:03:57] Speaker E: You know, make a golem, maybe.
[00:03:59] Speaker B: Every time someone gets warped or whatever to beam, his name is Wharf.
[00:04:05] Speaker A: Wharfed.
Wait, isn't that picturing getting.
[00:04:10] Speaker D: Who doesn't want to get wharfed?
[00:04:12] Speaker A: Or is it. Would that be a verb to get warped there? Isn't there something about that? Because it's like he, he is, is. Is. Is a big strong character, but it's always like the bad guy always kills him to show how strong the bad guy is or something. Isn't that a thing?
[00:04:28] Speaker E: Oh, that's interesting. That must be like something I feel like I heard about criticism.
[00:04:34] Speaker A: Yeah.
I don't know enough about it that.
[00:04:38] Speaker B: He'S just there as like a.
[00:04:40] Speaker A: Well, he's always like this big tough guy. Yeah. And to show because he always gets like knocked out or attacked by the bad guy. I recently. Or some read it somewhere, I don't remember.
[00:04:49] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, that sounds right. Which is funny because if it happens in every episode, then how strong is he?
[00:04:55] Speaker B: Right.
[00:04:58] Speaker A: Everybody else there is super weak.
[00:05:01] Speaker B: We should have an instance where some bad guy tries to do it and can't at all.
[00:05:05] Speaker A: Yeah, he's like, I am the tough guy.
[00:05:14] Speaker B: Previously on Pork Frog Fried Dice.
[00:05:17] Speaker A: All right, little ones.
[00:05:19] Speaker G: Today we're going to sing a song.
[00:05:22] Speaker A: About our favorite big creature.
[00:05:24] Speaker C: A dog?
[00:05:26] Speaker G: No, bigger.
[00:05:28] Speaker E: A bear?
[00:05:29] Speaker G: Bigger.
[00:05:30] Speaker A: An elephant?
[00:05:32] Speaker G: Way bigger.
[00:05:33] Speaker E: A whale?
[00:05:34] Speaker B: Bigger.
[00:05:36] Speaker A: That's right, kiddos. We're going to hear a story about.
[00:05:40] Speaker G: When our heroes met the mind bogglingly giant mystery monster in the sea.
[00:05:49] Speaker E: Amazing.
[00:05:54] Speaker G: Giant mystery monster in the deep blue sea. You looked just like an isle to me. But when our cruise ship crashed on what we thought was Terra, we realized we were standing on your sclera.
Giant mystery monster. Oh, Giant mystery monster. You say you're the Dusk Queen and that you are a she and you serve the king of gullies End way over yonder. Can you take us there? Swift Bathwack asks old Dusk for a lift. Roscoe and Rafina thinks this all sounds great. While Will saves Rethorin to escape Giant mystery monster. Oh, giant mystery monster, your time is for the king. You sometimes need to blink and you talk slowly. Hey, kids, did you know that the Dusk Queen can't stray too long from the deep water? And she can take us to the capital, but not all the way there. She also doesn't know what she is. That's strange. Bathwack said we could make a sick music video on this eye. Ruffina's piano's name is Georgia. It'll take us about a day to get to the peninsula. And Reid Thorin is a brown noser.
[00:07:19] Speaker A: Just a big old brown noser.
[00:07:23] Speaker G: Before we embark across the Duquesne Bay, we raid the ship for some boutet alcohol and linens and a P and O and Roscoe and fleets the Rutabago.
Giant mystery monster, oh, giant mystery monster are you 10 miles tall? Do you have pickleball? Cause Bathwack hope so. Batwack finds Reed trustworthy. After watching, we'll get all blustery. Rafina parks her piano inside Will's tent, and Nar and Reed want Will to get bent. I think Nar and Reed want Will to get bent.
[00:08:13] Speaker A: That's it.
[00:08:15] Speaker F: That's awesome.
[00:08:19] Speaker C: That was adorable and very clear.
[00:08:21] Speaker E: Who were those people?
[00:08:22] Speaker A: At the start, it was really fun to get them to be involved because they were like. I was like, guys, I have something where you could act because they, you know, they've all been. Conan isn't in drama club because he's not in middle school, and he. Sometimes he gets to join because his school ends before drama club ends, and Harvey brings him up, and they all have been, like, loving playing all the drama games and everything. So he, like, being like, hey, guys, I have something to do. That's acting. They were like, really? And I actually. Eric, I sent you out of the house so you wouldn't hear it. I was canceling headphones. Yeah. I was like, get out. Like, you have to go sit in the car or something. Because I was like, we're gonna be screaming. So I knew that he would hear that.
[00:09:03] Speaker C: I love that.
[00:09:06] Speaker A: Perfect. Thank you.
[00:09:08] Speaker C: I wish I thought of it. Dang it.
[00:09:12] Speaker A: I love baby beluga. Raffi is one of my favorite peoples.
[00:09:16] Speaker C: Raffy, how old is Rafi?
[00:09:18] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:09:19] Speaker C: So I am a camel.
[00:09:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, my God. I.
[00:09:24] Speaker B: He's 75.
[00:09:25] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Yeah. He's the best.
[00:09:28] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:29] Speaker C: Thanks, Rafi.
[00:09:30] Speaker A: Grew up on Rafi. Yeah.
[00:09:32] Speaker C: Don't sue us, please.
[00:09:35] Speaker A: Hopefully not giant mystery monster. Not anything about a white whale.
[00:09:40] Speaker B: What are you talking about?
[00:09:41] Speaker A: There's no beavers. I'm just gonna stop saying it's about beavers. Nobody's gonna understand anything.
[00:09:52] Speaker B: All right. You guys remember DND I?
[00:09:56] Speaker A: I guess so.
[00:09:59] Speaker B: So, yeah. You're zooming across the Ducane Bay. Duquesne Bay.
[00:10:06] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:10:06] Speaker B: You're just gonna finish all my sentences. I might appreciate that.
[00:10:09] Speaker A: Tired. We're both tired. But I can do half.
[00:10:12] Speaker B: Exactly.
[00:10:13] Speaker A: If you do half a sentence, I can do the other half. Great. Okay.
[00:10:16] Speaker B: You guys are such a good team. Thanks. We're in love.
[00:10:20] Speaker A: Oh. I was gonna say, hey, if you had. Not. If you said, we're in, I would have said, hey, New York, New York.
[00:10:33] Speaker B: So, yeah. The Dusk Queen.
[00:10:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:10:36] Speaker B: You've hitched a ride.
I realized, I think yesterday that I had issued homework after we recorded. And I don't think anybody.
[00:10:47] Speaker A: I didn't do.
[00:10:48] Speaker F: Oh, yeah.
[00:10:48] Speaker B: No way.
[00:10:49] Speaker C: Oh, you need to write a reminder. I moved, teacher.
[00:10:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I know.
[00:10:54] Speaker D: What was the homework?
I couldn't see it on the chalkboard.
[00:10:58] Speaker A: I completely forgot.
I completely forgot that. Dang it. Yeah.
[00:11:02] Speaker C: I really did forget. I'm so sorry.
[00:11:03] Speaker E: KT made a whole song about it. I think that's, like, a nice creative approach to the assignment.
[00:11:09] Speaker A: But it was my job.
[00:11:10] Speaker B: Anyway, it also doesn't satisfy the.
[00:11:13] Speaker A: Not at all. The assignment at all just says that she's a mystery.
[00:11:17] Speaker E: I guess that's true, listeners.
[00:11:20] Speaker B: I asked.
[00:11:21] Speaker A: She doesn't even know what she is.
[00:11:22] Speaker B: I asked my friends to draw what the Dusk Queen looks like in full.
[00:11:28] Speaker A: Damn. I wish I had remembered that.
[00:11:30] Speaker B: Or what they imagined the Dusk Queen to look like, but nobody did.
[00:11:33] Speaker A: Oh, well, babe.
[00:11:35] Speaker B: No, that's okay.
[00:11:35] Speaker A: I wish you had said something.
[00:11:36] Speaker B: No, I knew everybody was.
[00:11:38] Speaker C: No, I wanted something.
[00:11:38] Speaker A: A big eyelid.
[00:11:39] Speaker C: That's what I'm thinking.
[00:11:41] Speaker A: Yeah, that's it.
[00:11:44] Speaker B: Big eyelid.
[00:11:46] Speaker A: Yeah, because that's what we're. She's saying we're on it. So that's what it is.
[00:11:52] Speaker C: A prominent feature.
[00:11:53] Speaker B: Okay. It's like I'm picturing, like, the eyelid somehow going down into the water and forming its body. Her body. Anyway, what is.
[00:12:04] Speaker E: What. What does the visible part look like?
[00:12:07] Speaker A: It's like a big sandy. Well, he had originally said a circle, and then he said. But it was also the. Like, the length of two football fields. Or like one and a half football fields.
[00:12:18] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:12:18] Speaker A: Or that maybe that's just the diameter.
[00:12:20] Speaker B: Diameter.
[00:12:20] Speaker A: And then there's a purple.
A purple iris. And it's a big, giant eyeball. And it's slippery. I know. Mo said that. That it's slippy.
And sometimes he has to. Sometimes she has to blink. There are some bushes. That's where I think you put the rutabago. Near the scraggly bushes or something. Did you do that near the river?
[00:12:42] Speaker E: I think that underneath all that is. Is huge. It's.
[00:12:46] Speaker B: It's.
[00:12:47] Speaker E: Yeah, huge. But then underwater, it just all comes down to just a regular lady body.
[00:12:52] Speaker A: A tiny one or a big one.
[00:12:54] Speaker E: Like a regular human sized lady body.
[00:12:57] Speaker A: Wow. That's a horrible, creepy taut.
[00:13:00] Speaker B: You said that should be your new therapist, Adam.
[00:13:04] Speaker A: She can spin pretty fast. Wow.
[00:13:07] Speaker E: I don't know. I. Only something about something. Something big head.
[00:13:16] Speaker A: I feel like I'm picturing a squid. Like, it's like it's swimming on this because it has this eye looking up, and I feel like it's a squid, like, with a big long head down here.
[00:13:25] Speaker D: That's what I was gonna say. I pictured it was a squid, but it's. Camouflage is like. Is, you know, super advanced. And so beneath the surface, it looks like New York City. Or it's a yellow submarine or.
[00:13:45] Speaker A: Aww, it's cute. It's a yellow submarine.
[00:13:48] Speaker D: Whatever I say next.
[00:13:50] Speaker A: Or a third option.
[00:13:53] Speaker B: Improv.
That's a nice rip cord. Yeah, I need to keep that in my back pocket.
[00:14:03] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:14:04] Speaker B: Five things. The fourth one, and then whatever I say next.
[00:14:08] Speaker A: Whatever I say.
[00:14:14] Speaker E: All right. There. Homework done.
[00:14:16] Speaker B: Okay. You did it.
[00:14:18] Speaker E: We did it verbally.
[00:14:20] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:14:21] Speaker A: I don't know if Abby said what she thought it was. Did you say.
[00:14:23] Speaker E: She said eyelash.
[00:14:24] Speaker A: Oh, an eyelid eyelash. I didn't know if that was just a joke or.
[00:14:29] Speaker C: Well, I. Jesus. I think it's.
[00:14:32] Speaker E: Yeah. Baby must not have counted.
[00:14:34] Speaker A: I.
[00:14:35] Speaker B: It was just the first because Adams wasn't a joke.
[00:14:42] Speaker E: All right?
[00:14:43] Speaker A: There are certain people I expect to make jokes.
Other people, I are not funny at all. Like Abby. She's just never funny. She never makes a joke. No.
[00:14:55] Speaker C: Well, I'm authentic, but also unfunny.
[00:15:00] Speaker A: No, Abby, you're so funny.
Oh, my God.
[00:15:09] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Okay, so you're zipping along towards the pine in Sulai.
[00:15:17] Speaker C: Wait, how. What's what? How many knots per knot?
[00:15:22] Speaker B: Do you know how fast a knot is?
[00:15:24] Speaker C: Nope.
[00:15:25] Speaker B: Then 10.
[00:15:30] Speaker E: We're zipping along toward.
[00:15:31] Speaker A: What did you say the peninsula. He said.
He's saying it that way so we we can keep interrupting. And he never actually starts to dm. That's why he said it that way.
Oh. See, I caught it.
[00:15:47] Speaker C: And the bay was dammed up by beavers.
[00:15:50] Speaker A: Yes, probably Prob. The badass beaver.
[00:15:56] Speaker B: Nice. That's the. The God name.
[00:15:59] Speaker C: And the dust queen eats them.
[00:16:02] Speaker A: Good.
[00:16:03] Speaker B: Beavers are big.
[00:16:04] Speaker C: I would be a great DM big.
[00:16:06] Speaker B: They get up to, like, £40.
[00:16:08] Speaker A: £40? Yeah. I told you they're big.
[00:16:11] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:16:15] Speaker B: So where. What. What's everybody doing right now? Where is everybody?
How are you enjoying your little cruise?
[00:16:26] Speaker D: Midday?
What am I doing midday?
[00:16:30] Speaker B: Tanning.
[00:16:31] Speaker C: So we have the rutabago.
[00:16:32] Speaker D: Do we have some lunch already?
[00:16:35] Speaker B: I don't know.
[00:16:36] Speaker A: This is a cruise, right?
This is a cruise. Bathwack says hello. Where are the amenities? Like, this is a terrible cruise, he says to the Denver body on the island.
[00:16:48] Speaker D: Pickleball.
I think. I think all my fish tacos are bad.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: Yes, as you. As he eats one.
[00:16:58] Speaker A: Three months ago, I remember, I. I think I went into the tent. My own tent. There's a piano in here.
[00:17:06] Speaker B: The piano. Name.
[00:17:07] Speaker C: We hear faint piano music coming out of it.
[00:17:12] Speaker A: Playing the piano. No, I can't play the piano. I don't know how to play the piano. The autumn leaves.
[00:17:19] Speaker B: What's. What's Rafina doing?
[00:17:22] Speaker C: All right, so it's midday. We're zipping along toward the peninsula. Pianos and wills thing. And what's wrong with Adam?
[00:17:34] Speaker A: Peninsula.
[00:17:35] Speaker E: No, continue. What's Rafina doing, given all of this information?
[00:17:39] Speaker C: Well, I'm trying to put some context around it.
[00:17:42] Speaker E: Right.
[00:17:43] Speaker C: Not that you just heard this or anything.
[00:17:46] Speaker E: It just feels like stalling.
[00:17:49] Speaker A: It is.
[00:17:50] Speaker C: I'm trying to, like, try. I have to. I have to put it into my head.
[00:17:55] Speaker A: I always have to say.
[00:17:56] Speaker C: It doesn't put it into my head.
[00:17:57] Speaker A: I always. I always ask a million questions about, like, what things look like, so I know what I'm doing. Don't worry.
[00:18:03] Speaker C: She's doing calisthenics.
[00:18:06] Speaker B: That's wishful thinking on Abby's part.
[00:18:08] Speaker C: He really is.
She's doing deep bends. Yeah, she's got to keep up her. Her strength here. She doesn't want to get sick because there's no health insurance. And D and D.
[00:18:24] Speaker A: She forgets she's a healer.
[00:18:27] Speaker B: What's Roscoe doing?
It's midday.
[00:18:34] Speaker A: I'm in the tent. Rafina's doing calisthenics.
[00:18:39] Speaker E: Back to basics here. Back to basics for Roscoe. Roscoe is playing fetch with Oscar.
[00:18:50] Speaker B: Nice.
[00:18:50] Speaker D: Beth was swimming with Mo.
[00:18:53] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:18:53] Speaker B: If you recall, Moe was working on his Swimming. He jumps off on the front of the eye and then tries to keep up and eventually gets back on.
[00:19:03] Speaker A: Who wins, Batswack or movie?
[00:19:06] Speaker B: Let's make a challenge. Let's do it. Athletics check.
[00:19:10] Speaker A: He's gonna drown. Watch out.
[00:19:13] Speaker D: Oh, is it. Is it a race? And we're, like, pulling each other's legs and stuff and, like, holding each other's.
[00:19:18] Speaker A: Legs, beating each other up in the water?
[00:19:21] Speaker B: You could escalate if you'd like.
[00:19:26] Speaker D: I don't know. I think Mo will kill me.
[00:19:29] Speaker A: Stop.
[00:19:32] Speaker C: Oh, no.
[00:19:32] Speaker A: I can't like, though.
[00:19:33] Speaker D: This wasn't part of the game.
[00:19:36] Speaker A: Oh, and does he look like kick? What are we doing? Like, are we.
[00:19:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Who looks like what?
[00:19:41] Speaker A: I guess I look like Valencio still, because I'm trying to uphold that. Okay, even though we were just talking about being a king to read, I'm still. I'm Valencio.
Gnar is there. He is just some guy.
[00:19:59] Speaker D: Bethwack's not bothering to be kick unless we're being surveilled.
[00:20:03] Speaker A: Gnar is there.
[00:20:05] Speaker E: How would you know whether we're being surveilled or not?
[00:20:08] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't know.
[00:20:09] Speaker A: All right, then I yelled that out. Yay.
[00:20:12] Speaker E: How do you know whether you're being surveilled or not?
[00:20:16] Speaker A: I'm surveilling you.
[00:20:19] Speaker D: Wait, but Nar already. No, wait. Nar has no idea who I am. What's Nar's deal? I forget.
[00:20:26] Speaker A: Gnar is some loser die. No, he's on the island, of course.
[00:20:31] Speaker C: Is he practicing his arias?
[00:20:34] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. Nar sang for the town.
[00:20:36] Speaker A: Yes, he did.
[00:20:39] Speaker C: What was my joke?
[00:20:41] Speaker D: Oh, you said that already.
[00:20:42] Speaker C: I did, actually, in my recap.
[00:20:44] Speaker E: Okay, so I think that Roscoe would suggest that that bath should probably be.
[00:20:55] Speaker F: Stay as Kick because, you know, we're insane.
[00:20:59] Speaker D: I've already been out here. I played a few hours of pickleball. I've been swimming. You're like, gosh, you know, something looks different about you, or. I wish it did.
[00:21:13] Speaker E: Fresco forgot all about, like, who are you?
[00:21:16] Speaker F: Oh, you're not.
[00:21:18] Speaker D: All right, all right, all right.
[00:21:20] Speaker C: So you were backpacking a little while, or is that not canon?
[00:21:23] Speaker D: When I get out of the water with Mo, then I'll put my mask back on if everyone thinks it's a good idea.
[00:21:28] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah, because we're. We're in the ocean, and, like, one of the big things about being at sea is how people, like, see great distances.
[00:21:41] Speaker D: I thought you were gonna say piracy. One of the things about being at sea is piracy.
[00:21:46] Speaker F: Sure. That's. That's another big thing. Sure. But, like, the. What do you call it?
[00:21:49] Speaker C: What did you say?
[00:21:50] Speaker F: Spy glass. Who knows what kind of people could be around here with a spyglass looking at us? And if they see.
[00:21:58] Speaker D: Maybe it was a mirage, Though. Aren't there? Isn't it?
[00:22:01] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:22:02] Speaker F: When you run into this place and you could tell them that.
[00:22:07] Speaker D: But I'll say it like this. It was a mirage, Then they'll believe me.
[00:22:18] Speaker B: All right.
[00:22:19] Speaker D: All right.
[00:22:20] Speaker C: Plan cool.
[00:22:21] Speaker F: All right. Okay, Oscar.
[00:22:22] Speaker D: All right.
[00:22:22] Speaker F: Throw it again and I'll go catch it.
All right. Here you go.
[00:22:30] Speaker C: Again.
[00:22:30] Speaker F: Again.
[00:22:31] Speaker E: Oscar.
[00:22:31] Speaker A: Oh, it's a stick. I was gonna say you don't like balls, but it must be a stick.
[00:22:35] Speaker E: Yeah, it's not balls.
[00:22:36] Speaker A: All right, good. You won't even let your dog have a ball. What an.
[00:22:44] Speaker B: All right, Will.
[00:22:46] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:22:46] Speaker B: You hear a.
Whatever the equivalent of a knock is on your tent flap.
[00:22:52] Speaker A: Oh, my God. All right. Is there an annoying voice that follows, like, it's she me or something?
[00:22:58] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. We just. We installed a knockable surface on the tent flap. No, actually, we wouldn't have done that. Something so mean to Will.
[00:23:05] Speaker B: Yeah, you would have.
[00:23:06] Speaker A: Yeah, you should.
[00:23:08] Speaker D: We would have made it impossible to knock on doorbell.
[00:23:11] Speaker C: There's a doorbell.
It goes on for 30 seconds. And depending on the season, there's a different, like, holiday song.
[00:23:22] Speaker A: I. I'm, like, running around my tent. Like, how do I stop it?
Is there a way for me to look out without them seeing me? No.
[00:23:33] Speaker B: No.
[00:23:35] Speaker A: I. Wait. I. At first. First he pretends he doesn't hear it, so he doesn't do anything.
[00:23:40] Speaker B: Tent knock. Tent knock. Tent knock.
[00:23:43] Speaker A: He goes over and he puts, like, one finger in the slit. That sounds dirty. And then just dick by like that. Like what?
[00:23:56] Speaker B: Make a little hole? Yeah, to look out.
It's gnar.
[00:24:01] Speaker A: I close it.
[00:24:04] Speaker C: Why is Alex dying? Laughing?
Is there something going on?
[00:24:11] Speaker A: Because I put my finger in the slit is what I said. That's why I was laughing. Oh.
[00:24:17] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:24:18] Speaker C: I'm gonna go look at the notes. They're clearly saying stuff in the notes.
[00:24:22] Speaker E: We're playing a mini campaign in the notes.
[00:24:28] Speaker B: Good idea.
Someone has to DM me.
[00:24:35] Speaker A: Yeah. I put the. I had the hole there. I close it to big. Roll my eyes, like. Do a big eye roll, like.
And then I open it a little more, and I just give him a look like, what? But I don't say anything.
[00:24:52] Speaker B: I think maybe we should talk.
[00:24:55] Speaker A: What? Why? Who are you?
[00:24:59] Speaker F: Wait.
[00:24:59] Speaker E: Who is it?
[00:25:00] Speaker A: It's gnar.
[00:25:01] Speaker E: It is gnar. Okay.
[00:25:04] Speaker B: Who Am I?
[00:25:06] Speaker A: Yes. We don't have a relationship. What do you want?
[00:25:12] Speaker B: All right, well, the.
I know he looks around.
I know who you are.
[00:25:24] Speaker A: What?
[00:25:26] Speaker B: The weird ferret thing told me.
[00:25:30] Speaker A: Excuse me? What are you talking about?
[00:25:33] Speaker B: Your actual name is Will Pompeian, right?
[00:25:40] Speaker A: Not that it's any of your business, but what if it were?
[00:25:43] Speaker B: Well, I just.
He. He told me, and I.
[00:25:52] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:25:53] Speaker B: Thought that it would be. I think maybe.
I think it was either a funny or a flirty reason why he wanted to tell me, because I think you and I have a mutual acquaintance.
[00:26:05] Speaker A: Why do we need to talk about this?
[00:26:07] Speaker B: Well, I think that maybe.
No, I just. I. I know why. Maybe you were treating me the way you were, and I understand.
I just wanted to tell you that I had heard of you before.
[00:26:29] Speaker A: Okay, well, is lost for words.
He's just standing with his hand in the tent. He really just wants to close the flap.
[00:26:41] Speaker B: He.
He still thinks about you.
[00:26:47] Speaker A: Okay, listen, this is weird. And you. Why are you even talking to me at all? No, thank you.
[00:26:56] Speaker B: What?
[00:26:57] Speaker A: I don't. Why are you talking to me? This is not.
[00:27:00] Speaker B: I.
I don't have, like, an ulterior motive. I just thought maybe you would want to know.
[00:27:10] Speaker C: Eldritch blast.
[00:27:12] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:27:12] Speaker B: Is that Rafina?
[00:27:15] Speaker A: Eldritch Blast.
[00:27:16] Speaker C: That's the. That's what we call burpees in Eldritch blast. Eldritch blast. I'm doing my calendar.
[00:27:23] Speaker E: Eldritch burpees.
I will say that I probably, like, if Roscoe saw that Gnar was bugging Will in his tent, eventually Roscoe, I think, would probably intervene because we got this tent for you, like, so that you wouldn't be bothered by people.
[00:27:46] Speaker A: Yeah, well, yeah. He's like, just. What was the last thing you said?
Oh, something dumb.
You. No, I don't mean you. I just. Character.
[00:27:59] Speaker B: I mean, you're not wrong.
[00:28:03] Speaker A: Okay. Why are you here in front of this tent? What?
[00:28:09] Speaker B: Just told you.
[00:28:10] Speaker A: But I don't understand.
[00:28:11] Speaker B: Thought you would want to know.
[00:28:12] Speaker A: Weren't you crying about all this not like, a day ago?
[00:28:15] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:28:15] Speaker A: Well, why would you tell me this?
[00:28:18] Speaker B: Because I care about him, and he cares about you.
So I guess to honor my feelings for him, I thought I would honor his feelings for you.
[00:28:39] Speaker A: I don't think you know anything about anything is all I have to say. I don't think you know anything. What do you possibly know and why are. And he's looking around to see if anybody else is near.
[00:28:49] Speaker E: You hear in the distance, Rosco's like.
[00:28:52] Speaker F: All right, Oscar, throw It long this way.
[00:28:56] Speaker E: And then he. He's running up to the stick that's.
[00:29:00] Speaker A: Been thrown to your feet. Yeah.
[00:29:04] Speaker F: O. It's been a while since I played reverse fetch with. With Oscar.
What's going on over here?
[00:29:18] Speaker B: Oh, we're just.
[00:29:20] Speaker A: He's talking to me about things that he doesn't know anything about, and I don't know why he wants to talk about.
[00:29:28] Speaker B: I mean, I don't have anything more to say if that's. If you're. If you'd like me to leave, I. I certainly can.
[00:29:34] Speaker A: What do you want? What does he want? What do people like this want? What do you want? Why are you.
[00:29:40] Speaker B: I don't want anything.
[00:29:41] Speaker E: No, no.
[00:29:43] Speaker F: Avoid.
[00:29:44] Speaker B: Huh?
[00:29:47] Speaker E: Avoid.
[00:29:48] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:29:55] Speaker C: Wait, what word did he offer?
[00:29:56] Speaker F: Not lemon. Not the word I was thinking of. I think I was thinking of, like, aside.
[00:30:02] Speaker B: Oh, starboard.
[00:30:06] Speaker F: Oh, okay.
[00:30:08] Speaker A: All right. Is he just messing with him?
[00:30:10] Speaker B: That's more me than anything.
[00:30:12] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:30:16] Speaker F: Hey, just, you know, Valencio here, he kind of appreciates his privacy, you know, and the tent thing sort of was supposed to be kind of. There's an implied do not disturb sign.
[00:30:34] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:30:35] Speaker B: He's a prickly character, isn't he?
[00:30:39] Speaker F: Sure.
Almost as prickly as somebody who's, like, disturbing someone's rest on a cruise like this, you know?
[00:30:46] Speaker B: I wasn't trying to disturb anyone's rest. I just.
I'm not surprised. He is the standoffish character. He is, because I know.
I know firsthand what he's missing. Let me just put it that way. And he can tell you more if he wants.
[00:31:06] Speaker A: Okay. What is happening over here?
[00:31:08] Speaker D: Oh, what is he missing?
[00:31:10] Speaker A: Oh, God.
[00:31:12] Speaker E: Now kick us here, someone.
[00:31:16] Speaker C: What's everybody doing?
[00:31:17] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:31:18] Speaker D: Kick is dripping wet, standing behind Raf.
[00:31:21] Speaker C: Cartwheels up.
[00:31:22] Speaker E: I have a very important edit that I have to make before we continue, though. I don't think Rosco called it reverse.
[00:31:29] Speaker B: He just called it fat.
[00:31:30] Speaker E: I think he thinks that this is.
[00:31:31] Speaker A: Just how we play.
[00:31:32] Speaker B: I did want to correct you. Yeah.
[00:31:34] Speaker A: Amazing. But I.
[00:31:36] Speaker E: Yes. Not reverse fetch.
And so he's thinking, like, oh, there's.
[00:31:41] Speaker F: Got to be an easier way to play this.
[00:31:49] Speaker A: Nothing. Nobody is talking about anything.
[00:31:51] Speaker B: Nope.
[00:31:53] Speaker A: Oh, NAR says nope.
[00:31:54] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:31:55] Speaker A: Wow. Nice.
[00:31:56] Speaker C: Are we gonna have a concert? Is that why we are all gathered here?
[00:31:59] Speaker F: No.
[00:32:00] Speaker C: You know, we're not gonna.
[00:32:01] Speaker F: We're not gonna have a concert. Okay. We're just kidding.
[00:32:03] Speaker C: There's a piano in the tent.
[00:32:05] Speaker F: Oh, I never been to a concert before.
[00:32:11] Speaker A: Guys.
[00:32:11] Speaker C: Mo, you were just at a talent show.
[00:32:14] Speaker B: I know. I stand by what I say.
[00:32:19] Speaker C: Well, Narsang, at least we.
[00:32:22] Speaker F: I. I'm trying to usher everyone away from you.
[00:32:26] Speaker C: Oh, I see. I see. I see. Valencio needs some private time. I get.
[00:32:30] Speaker F: Why are you wandering over into the tent?
[00:32:32] Speaker E: Get back here.
[00:32:35] Speaker C: Where's Shimi?
[00:32:36] Speaker E: It's like hiding cats.
[00:32:38] Speaker B: Oh, I'm here. I'm just listening.
[00:32:39] Speaker A: Oh, you're here, too? Everybody's here. Well, why don't we all.
[00:32:42] Speaker C: She's been in the tent the whole time.
[00:32:44] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:32:45] Speaker B: Laying on the lounge chair.
[00:32:48] Speaker A: I didn't even notice.
[00:32:49] Speaker B: Eating grapes.
[00:32:50] Speaker A: Why don't we all just talk about my personal business? That's apparently what we love to do in this group. Oh, is that what we're talking about?
[00:32:57] Speaker C: We never get to do that.
[00:32:59] Speaker A: We always do that.
[00:33:01] Speaker F: We're not going to talk about the guy that you saw above deck and that you, like, sort of, like, fell off into the ocean after kissing.
[00:33:11] Speaker A: Look at Gnar. Did he see that? He better not have. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
[00:33:15] Speaker B: Right. Wait, who is who? What was this? I didn't see that.
[00:33:21] Speaker F: No, I said we're not going to talk about it. Okay, Read the room now, please. Will you keep walking with me?
You keep stopping while I'm trying. I'm putting my arm around you. I'm trying to walk you over here.
[00:33:35] Speaker B: All right, we can walk. Should we walk and talk or should we walk then talk?
[00:33:40] Speaker F: Well, you've been trying to do a walk then stop and talk thing, and.
[00:33:43] Speaker E: I. I think I would like to.
[00:33:45] Speaker F: Sorking it up here. All right, Walk and talk. Walk and talk. We'll walk over to my rutabago. All right, let's see inside there.
[00:33:54] Speaker B: Sure. What do you got in there?
[00:33:57] Speaker F: I got a mustard wall.
[00:33:59] Speaker B: Oh, okay, sure. I assumed. What else you could.
[00:34:05] Speaker F: I think I got, like, some dog toys. Dog toys in, like, cabinets.
[00:34:11] Speaker B: Do you have a confusing hole in a ceiling that somehow has to do with a toilet, but it never is actually really clear what the function is?
[00:34:19] Speaker C: And a radio station.
[00:34:20] Speaker F: How did you know that?
[00:34:22] Speaker B: I just assumed. That's a pretty common thing with travel conveyances.
[00:34:29] Speaker F: Yeah, we do have a. A roof hole.
[00:34:32] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I figured.
[00:34:35] Speaker F: Anyway. All right. Sorry to bother you, Valencio.
[00:34:39] Speaker A: Are you talking about me? Like, why are you walking and talking? What is happening over there?
[00:34:46] Speaker C: Do you want them to come back? Rosco? I think he wants you to come back.
[00:34:49] Speaker A: No, I don't.
[00:34:50] Speaker F: Oh, what? Hold on. You know, let's go back.
Hey. What, did you want to keep hanging out with gnar.
[00:35:02] Speaker A: No, I would like to know. What.
[00:35:05] Speaker F: I think it's pronounced gnar.
[00:35:12] Speaker C: I laughed more than it deserved.
[00:35:13] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:35:14] Speaker A: This guy is like a sappy piece of shit, okay? He just. Oh, you're right there.
[00:35:19] Speaker B: He brought him back with me.
[00:35:21] Speaker A: Oh, my God. He just pops out behind Roscoe's short. I don't even know. All right? This guy. No. Just. No. Why don't. What do you want?
[00:35:31] Speaker B: Fine, I'll go away. You talk. Goodbye. I will meet you at your Rutabago later.
[00:35:35] Speaker A: I don't want to talk to anybody. I'm just trying to.
Oh, my God. All right, that guy. You guys, can we throw him in the ocean? Leave him behind? Wouldn't that be great?
[00:35:44] Speaker B: You need me to do something with him?
[00:35:48] Speaker A: No, Mo. I'm just frustrated because he won't leave me alone.
[00:35:53] Speaker B: What was.
[00:35:54] Speaker C: What is he not letting him learn about.
[00:35:55] Speaker B: Yeah, what was. What were you guys talking about? Something about your personal life?
[00:36:00] Speaker A: Yes, about my personal. First of all, he knows my real name. Because of the stupid ferret, apparently so.
That's interesting. And he saw Bathwack running around. Or he saw Kick Jr. Running around.
If he saw the wrong dinosaur running around this island, that's kind of a problem, too. Just the same as Reed. Thorin, what are we going to do with these two civilians who know, apparently, everything that's going on with our plan?
[00:36:32] Speaker C: How about. We can shake them?
[00:36:35] Speaker A: I guess it doesn't matter. Maybe fucking cares.
[00:36:38] Speaker F: Taking them is the last thing we want to do. Because if they do know disinformation, we should probably keep our eyes on them. You know what I mean?
[00:36:47] Speaker A: Right. And so now we have to babysit them for the rest of the time. Or we just throw them in the ocean. I was arguing to kill reed Thor. And 20 minutes ago, when we were on the cruise ship.
[00:36:59] Speaker D: Maybe the Dust Queen is hungry.
[00:37:02] Speaker F: Jesus Christ.
[00:37:04] Speaker A: I thought you wanted to save him. But I'm cool with that.
[00:37:07] Speaker D: Let's just save him.
[00:37:07] Speaker A: No, no, no.
[00:37:08] Speaker D: I'm just. I'm just thinking maybe I need to go get some fish.
[00:37:17] Speaker A: Okay. What are we gonna do?
[00:37:18] Speaker B: That. Not very helpful, King Batwack. I mean, King, king, King, King, King.
[00:37:24] Speaker F: Kick bath.
[00:37:27] Speaker A: What are we gonna do with these people once we reach the land?
[00:37:33] Speaker F: What if we.
You know what? It's coming to me. It's like, it's. It's an old circus act we used to do back in the circus.
It wasn't my act, it was a couple other guys in the circus.
I won't describe the act, I'll Just give the idea that the act is inspiring.
Which is what if we secretly individually paid each of them Read Foreign and Gnaw to spy on, keep an eye on the other and make sure that they don't, you know, get in any trouble or reveal any information to anybody.
And we turn them against each other. And then they could. We just let that.
[00:38:29] Speaker E: We just set them loose and we.
[00:38:31] Speaker F: Just trust that the power of money.
[00:38:34] Speaker B: Oh, and then we bet on which one kills with the other one first.
[00:38:38] Speaker A: I'm guessing Reed Thorne will kill Gnarly. Gnar is very annoying and weak. And Reed Thorin thinks himself a hero, so I think that's what will happen.
[00:38:51] Speaker F: I bet it would end up being like a Mr. And Mrs. Smith situation. And it's probably more of an even. An even match.
[00:39:00] Speaker C: Well, so I think that's a lovely idea.
[00:39:04] Speaker F: Thank you.
[00:39:05] Speaker C: And I have a thought about it, which is that what if they're both very bad at being spies and they figure out that they're both being paid by the same people and then they turn against us?
[00:39:20] Speaker A: I'm already against both of them, so I'm ready.
[00:39:23] Speaker C: Okay, that's fair.
[00:39:24] Speaker F: Why would they turn against us?
[00:39:25] Speaker E: We've. We've.
[00:39:26] Speaker F: Well, they helped them both.
[00:39:29] Speaker C: Well, they would just stop doing that and then they would maybe spy on us.
[00:39:33] Speaker F: Okay, we don't have to do it in secret.
[00:39:34] Speaker E: We'll just tell them both.
[00:39:35] Speaker F: We'll sit them both down.
[00:39:36] Speaker E: Hey, we're doing this.
[00:39:39] Speaker F: We've given you both money. Hold each other accountable. Be friends. Go have it side adventures without us.
[00:39:46] Speaker B: Can I get maybe a cut of this money? Or I can spy on them too.
[00:39:50] Speaker A: Jamie, I'm already paying you.
[00:39:51] Speaker B: Oh, I know.
[00:39:52] Speaker F: Jamie, do you want to leave the group finally? Is that what you're offering to do?
[00:39:57] Speaker A: No.
[00:39:57] Speaker B: What? What are you.
[00:39:59] Speaker F: That's what we're talking about here. We're talking about you kids sending these two away.
[00:40:03] Speaker E: Oh, so that they can just kind.
[00:40:05] Speaker F: Of take care of each other.
[00:40:07] Speaker C: Am I the only one who's not being paid a salary by Will here. By Valencio?
[00:40:14] Speaker F: Well, he did pay me to stop farting so much.
[00:40:18] Speaker C: Well, you've got that purse that never ends.
[00:40:23] Speaker F: What?
No. Why is her.
[00:40:30] Speaker C: Well, here's what I think. We'll just put a pin in that for later. But what I think is that you know what they say when you're being chased by a bear.
[00:40:41] Speaker B: Exeunt.
It's a Mr. And Mrs. Smith situation.
[00:40:50] Speaker A: Oh yeah.
[00:40:52] Speaker C: Okay, you don't have to run the fastest. You just have to not Be the last. The lastest.
So we just have to run faster than the two of them and then they will be the ones that get eaten in whatever next fight we have. And then we'll be okay, guys, my.
[00:41:08] Speaker A: Only real concern is if somehow somebody connected to Juliet Rusher or Juliet Rusher herself or some kind of minion scarecrow that she has gets information from them. These two people are useless, okay? And Bathwick's defending Reed Thorin, but Nar is just some guy that keeps wanting to talk to me about his ex boyfriend. So I.
[00:41:34] Speaker C: Has he his ex boyfriend?
[00:41:36] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:41:36] Speaker C: And it's your personal business.
[00:41:38] Speaker A: He seems to think it is. So is it. Is that Jimmy? Is it my business like his boyfriend? No, no, it's not my business, but I'm. That's why it's annoying.
[00:41:51] Speaker C: Roll deception.
[00:41:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess. Yeah. Oh, I'm not signed into anything.
[00:41:57] Speaker B: It's a classic pork fried dice session. Yeah, I don't need to sign into.
[00:42:01] Speaker A: Roll 20 until we're playing DND.
Here we go. I have really good disruption. What? I roll.
[00:42:11] Speaker B: Total of 13.
[00:42:12] Speaker A: Not great.
[00:42:15] Speaker B: Is anybody else rolling insight?
[00:42:19] Speaker A: I'm not even accused.
[00:42:23] Speaker C: Yep. Jacuz deception. So I'm rolling insight. Burpee, derpy derp, derpy derpy, derpy derpy.
[00:42:34] Speaker A: Here it is, clocking me.
[00:42:42] Speaker B: Have fun, Abby.
[00:42:45] Speaker A: Yay.
[00:42:46] Speaker C: I got a 21.
[00:42:47] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:42:48] Speaker C: For the listeners out there.
[00:42:51] Speaker B: Go.
[00:42:52] Speaker C: Well, you're doing that twitch that you do when you're lying.
[00:42:56] Speaker A: Okay, listen to me. I do not twitch when I'm lying. You might have incredibly good insight, but if I. Man, if I twitch when I lied, I'd be dead 20 years ago.
Fine. Yes. It. It's the same person. I shake my hand at Nar. He's. He's. He found.
[00:43:20] Speaker E: He's just. He's standing over by my.
[00:43:24] Speaker B: He waves at that.
[00:43:25] Speaker A: Oh my God.
He's obnoxious because he cried about a mutual acquaintance of ours on the boat, got drunk about it and whined about it for a while, and I read his mind and I found out certain things.
[00:43:43] Speaker B: What you find out?
[00:43:44] Speaker F: I think you can tell by house during the feast.
[00:43:48] Speaker A: Yes, it was. Remember how annoying that was? Where he just took over like it was an actual funereal feast to everyone in that room and he was just like, wa. My ex boyfriend. You know what? I've had a.
[00:44:00] Speaker B: Well, I mean, it wasn't an actual funereal feast to most of the people.
[00:44:04] Speaker A: In the room, but it should have been. That's to anybody who was not in the know, including himself. That's the point. He thought it was a funereal feast, and he overtook it with his stupid feelings about some stupid guy.
[00:44:17] Speaker B: It must have been a pretty important guy.
[00:44:21] Speaker G: Maybe.
[00:44:22] Speaker A: But what. I'm. Okay, this is.
[00:44:25] Speaker G: You know what?
[00:44:26] Speaker A: How about you all tell me about your love lives?
[00:44:28] Speaker G: How about it?
[00:44:29] Speaker A: Not you, Shimi.
[00:44:30] Speaker G: You're too young.
[00:44:30] Speaker C: You know about my pirates that.
[00:44:31] Speaker A: I think I'm married to Rafina. I do.
All right, bathwack. How ugly is your wife?
I'm putting my head in my hands.
[00:44:44] Speaker B: Will is.
[00:44:45] Speaker A: Or KT is just me. Me. I'm embarrassed. Not Will. He's. He's. This is what he does. He's deflecting.
[00:44:52] Speaker E: So what did Will admit that the.
[00:44:54] Speaker F: What.
[00:44:55] Speaker E: What information did we just get from Will?
[00:45:00] Speaker B: None, probably.
[00:45:02] Speaker A: So, like, this guy at the funeral feast was talking about his ex boyfriend, and he literally said the name Eldon. And you guys all got a note with the name Eldon on it, and Will incredibly badly right now. So you can kind of probably make the connection. And, you know, I like. It's fine that Will is completely flabbergasted in this moment because he's not somebody who ever talks about his personal stuff. So it's okay that he is. This is not what. This is not what he lies about in his job. He doesn't lie about his personal life. He lies about other things. So, you know, it's. I think it makes sense that he's just like, I, you know, whatever. But it's. This is all weird. Everybody's looking at me and. Why does this have anything to do with anything? Except for that there was a floating God on the ship and you all saw it. I don't know, guys. I am. I am not doing well right now, okay? I'm not used to this. Everyone's just staring at me, and I hate it.
[00:46:03] Speaker C: Shaming looks somewhere else.
[00:46:04] Speaker A: Yeah.
And also, there's a child present, so, you know. Yeah.
[00:46:11] Speaker B: Like, did you. Did you and this Elden guy get to. What base? Did you get to what?
[00:46:20] Speaker C: We don't talk about bases on the first time that we talk about this.
[00:46:25] Speaker B: Oh, what do we talk about?
Oh, I'm a child.
[00:46:30] Speaker C: Their first date.
[00:46:32] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:46:33] Speaker A: Oh, no, you don't want to get into the. That's complicated. Rafina just.
[00:46:39] Speaker B: It sounds like fun story.
[00:46:41] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:46:41] Speaker C: I think we need to respect Valencio. There's nobody here who cares, Wills. Yeah, let's just throw it all out.
[00:46:51] Speaker A: You know, the world's ending. Let's focus on my ex boyfriend. And his ex boyfriend, the same guy that just happens to know us both. And now we're on a goddamn giant eye while the world's ending. Okay, let's focus on this, right? That's what's important. I guess we have nothing else to do. Sure. I dated a guy once who, like, is that. Is, is that the biggest news in the world? Is everyone shocked?
[00:47:16] Speaker F: You know? Well, yes, I gotta say.
Well, I mean, having been there myself, in terms of having had a love of my life.
[00:47:28] Speaker B: Whoa.
[00:47:29] Speaker F: And then having lost that love and then thinking a lot and assuming the. All the different stories of other loves that, that, that. That my love has had in the years since. I understand why and how it feels like the world is ending for you.
[00:47:54] Speaker A: I.
[00:47:58] Speaker F: I, I get it. I get why it would feel that way.
Because that's big feelings and it's big, big histories.
And it could feel like your whole life and your heart is imploding inside of you.
But let's not forget that in a very real and literal way, the world is.
[00:48:27] Speaker A: That's what Will's doing. Will is just holding his lips so close together.
[00:48:32] Speaker E: I just want to put things. I just want to put things in perspective for you.
[00:48:38] Speaker A: I know it feels really bad, but there are bigger things that we need to worry about. Oh, my God.
[00:48:50] Speaker C: We'll just pretend that Roscoe is crying.
[00:48:53] Speaker A: Yes. I think Will, like, so obviously that was what Will was talking about. And Will wants to interject, but I think what he's saying is that, I mean, what he said is, I will say, out of character completely. Right. I have not shared a lot about this relationship, but that is something that, like, that changed Will's whole world, this whole situation. It's a big deal.
[00:49:15] Speaker C: Oh, we can tell.
[00:49:16] Speaker A: So I think he shuts his mouth just like I was, like, barely containing. And like, something in his eyes is just a little sad again, because it is true. And he just kind of.
Because he realizes that if Roscoe really doesn't.
Isn't just making a joke and genuinely is like, remember that the world is also ending. He just. He doesn't. He's not gonna correct Roscoe. He's just. He'll walk over to Gnar.
[00:49:50] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:49:51] Speaker A: But I hope it takes a while. I hope NAR's not listening. I hope it's across the whole island football field.
[00:49:55] Speaker E: Yeah, the ribbon goes all the way over there.
[00:49:57] Speaker F: Nice, guys. Oh, no. I was going to suggest we peek inside Will's tent, but that would be an evasion of privacy.
[00:50:06] Speaker C: Yeah, no, we shouldn't do that.
[00:50:08] Speaker A: By the way, Batwack should murder Will for what he said before. How ugly is your wife? You don't even say anything. Bathwack is the Nice. Alex is like, I didn't hear.
[00:50:16] Speaker C: Yeah. Kick didn't respond to that.
[00:50:19] Speaker D: Oh, no, I heard it.
[00:50:20] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:50:22] Speaker F: What is.
[00:50:22] Speaker C: What did your face look like?
[00:50:23] Speaker D: There's a. There's another scratch mark on the back of his shoe.
[00:50:26] Speaker A: Yes. I was gonna say y.
Keeping track.
[00:50:32] Speaker B: I think you've said that before.
I love it.
[00:50:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:50:36] Speaker C: Way back in season one.
[00:50:38] Speaker A: It's my favorite.
[00:50:39] Speaker C: There's quite a few scratches.
[00:50:41] Speaker B: The back of the shield is smooth again.
[00:50:43] Speaker A: It's smooth again. Because of that, it's been whittled away.
Amazing. Amazing.
[00:50:50] Speaker D: Well, I had to restart when I got. When I got the waterfall shield.
[00:50:54] Speaker A: Oh, good. My record was wiped.
[00:50:56] Speaker B: Clean slate.
[00:50:58] Speaker D: It's only half full now.
[00:50:59] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:51:00] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:51:02] Speaker E: Well, that's what I call forgiveness.
[00:51:05] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:51:09] Speaker B: So you're walking over to Gnar.
[00:51:10] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:51:10] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:51:11] Speaker A: Does he run away?
[00:51:12] Speaker B: No.
[00:51:15] Speaker A: He, like, doesn't even. Like, he's walking over and he has his eyes on the ground because he's not even sure what he's doing.
[00:51:21] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:51:22] Speaker A: He's not even sure why he's doing this necessarily.
[00:51:24] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:51:25] Speaker A: And does Nar say anything first?
[00:51:27] Speaker B: No.
[00:51:27] Speaker A: Oh, God. Oh, God, this is so embarrassing. Okay.
He just. When he finally gets to him, he looks in his eyes, and he's just like, I'm sorry, but could we not talk about this anymore? Because this is what these people do whenever they hear anything about me and my life. This is what they do, and I don't like it. Okay, man, you're so nice.
[00:51:54] Speaker B: You asked me nicely, and you apologize. Thank you.
[00:51:57] Speaker A: But you're nice all the time. Like, what is that? Will's like, how did Elton go from me to you in any capacity?
He doesn't say that out loud, though. Like, he just doesn't understand. He's like, I don't know. He doesn't. It's almost like a threat because he's like, you're nothing like me. Where did. Where. Where was this? Right.
And that's all he said. He just. Yeah, he's just.
[00:52:23] Speaker B: I don't remember what.
[00:52:24] Speaker A: The last name. Yeah, no, he didn't say much. Says, that's what these people do. Okay, let's not talk about anymore.
[00:52:30] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:52:30] Speaker A: But I'm sorry, also, for your experience.
[00:52:39] Speaker B: You don't have to be sorry. It's okay.
[00:52:41] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. I don't have to be sorry. Just. All right. Goodbye.
[00:52:46] Speaker B: Hang out sometime or what?
[00:52:49] Speaker A: While we're on this island. What do you want to do?
[00:52:51] Speaker B: Whenever? I don't know.
[00:52:53] Speaker A: Is this something you do?
[00:52:55] Speaker B: This has never happened to me before.
[00:52:56] Speaker A: It's never happened to you before. Cool.
[00:52:58] Speaker B: Has it happened to you?
[00:52:59] Speaker A: No.
[00:53:01] Speaker B: There we go. We're bonding already.
[00:53:03] Speaker A: I don't want to bond.
[00:53:05] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:53:05] Speaker A: Every conversation with you gets more difficult.
Please don't. Okay. Also, you. You. You know too much. This is an issue.
[00:53:15] Speaker B: Is that a threat?
[00:53:16] Speaker A: Kind of.
[00:53:19] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:53:19] Speaker A: Where are you going? Why are you going to Gully's End?
Like, why were you.
[00:53:25] Speaker B: I didn't really know. I was just kind of getting away from it all.
[00:53:30] Speaker A: Isn't that.
[00:53:31] Speaker B: I've never been there before.
[00:53:32] Speaker A: It does. Anyway, isn't that what you.
[00:53:34] Speaker B: What?
[00:53:35] Speaker A: I'm assuming that's what you were doing anyway. Getting away from it all. That's what he always does. Just get away from it all.
[00:53:40] Speaker B: He's going somewhere else. So cool. So you're kind of went the opposite direction.
[00:53:45] Speaker A: Okay, this is increasingly uncomfortable. So. Yeah. Why don't you hang out with that lady? She's really nice. Rafina. She's nice Lady? You'd like to hang out with her.
[00:53:55] Speaker B: You weren't pointing on the eye.
[00:53:57] Speaker A: This lady right here.
[00:53:59] Speaker C: Go get eaten by the island you're floating on.
Rafina's doing cartwheels around the tent. She's like one of those wheels. Those wheel spiders in the desert.
[00:54:12] Speaker B: They're called tumbleweeds. Abby.
[00:54:15] Speaker A: Wheel spiders. No, they're called.
[00:54:17] Speaker B: I know. I know.
[00:54:17] Speaker A: Wagon wheel or something. Wagon wheel spider.
[00:54:20] Speaker B: I've seen them.
[00:54:20] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:54:22] Speaker C: I like the idea that I was getting tumbleweed wrong.
[00:54:25] Speaker B: Me, too. Twice on it.
Yeah, that's fine. We don't have to talk about it anymore. I just. I told you what I thought you might want to know. I'm sorry if you didn't.
[00:54:35] Speaker A: No, I do want to know that. I want to know so much. But I don't want to talk to you because it's real weird. Why are you so. Okay. It hurts.
[00:54:46] Speaker B: No, it kind of hurts to talk to you a little bit.
[00:54:48] Speaker A: Why?
[00:54:49] Speaker B: Because I. I'm thinking that you're a big part of the reason why he broke up with me.
[00:55:00] Speaker A: You don't understand why. That doesn't make any sense. So stop.
[00:55:04] Speaker B: Maybe I don't.
[00:55:05] Speaker A: Things like that.
[00:55:06] Speaker B: What I just did seemed like it's less about what he said. It's just about the way he would ever.
You were brought up multiple times.
[00:55:18] Speaker A: Oh, my God. In what way? What do you know about me?
[00:55:21] Speaker B: Just casually. That he. I mean, it was clear that he.
[00:55:26] Speaker A: I look around to make sure nobody else is coming here.
Just like what is. What is going to be.
[00:55:32] Speaker C: The wheels that Rafina's making around the tent are getting bigger and bigger.
[00:55:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:55:38] Speaker B: What did you say it was, you know, you were brought up more than once, and it was clear that he knew you, if you know what I. If you catch my drift.
[00:55:48] Speaker A: And what are we in the Crucible.
[00:55:50] Speaker G: What the fuck is he.
[00:55:52] Speaker B: I believe we are. Can you see my face?
[00:55:57] Speaker A: Nobody knows that. Stupid reference.
[00:56:00] Speaker B: It's a line from the Crucible.
[00:56:01] Speaker A: See my face. So. Stupid line. Anyway. Go ahead.
[00:56:05] Speaker B: Mr. Hale.
[00:56:05] Speaker A: Mr. Hale. Guys.
All right. Yes, it was.
[00:56:08] Speaker B: We were in the Crucible. Guys.
[00:56:09] Speaker A: Yes, we were. Well, that's where I first met you.
[00:56:12] Speaker C: Oh, now I get it.
[00:56:13] Speaker A: That's where we first met.
[00:56:14] Speaker B: That's true.
[00:56:16] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:56:16] Speaker B: That's what sparked it all. Don't talk to me about that. It's uncomfortable.
[00:56:20] Speaker A: You wore a strawberry blonde curly wig. That's pretty great.
All right. Talked about me. Great.
Where is he going?
[00:56:30] Speaker B: I think back home.
[00:56:34] Speaker A: Home? Yeah.
[00:56:35] Speaker B: He lives in Carnivore.
Wait, he has, like, a place in the city? I've never been there.
[00:56:41] Speaker A: In Carnivar.
Okay. Not like home home, then.
[00:56:46] Speaker B: What do you mean?
[00:56:48] Speaker A: The slivery aisles.
[00:56:51] Speaker B: Oh, that's where he, like, grew up, right?
[00:56:54] Speaker A: Yeah, that's where he's from.
[00:56:56] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I don't think he.
I don't think. I mean, he didn't, like, give me a.
[00:57:02] Speaker A: He just lives in Carnivar now. Yeah, he lives there. He doesn't go all over the place. He just lives there.
[00:57:10] Speaker B: I mean, he's not often there. I mean, we were kind of all over the place. We weren't together that long.
[00:57:14] Speaker A: Okay. I don't want to hear about you. Okay? I'm sorry. I'm not. It's going to be very hard for me to not say things like that, which is why you should probably hang out with this lady that's cartwheeling by. Okay. She's very interesting.
[00:57:26] Speaker C: Hi.
[00:57:27] Speaker B: Hi.
[00:57:30] Speaker A: Okay, well, anyway, you need to. I don't know what to do. You're.
[00:57:36] Speaker B: You don't have to do anything.
[00:57:38] Speaker A: I do need to do something. You can't know what you.
[00:57:40] Speaker B: Oh, I know too much, right? You were vaguely threatening me. I forgot.
[00:57:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Have you seen that guy? I pointed. Bathwack kick.
[00:57:46] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:57:46] Speaker A: What does he look like?
[00:57:47] Speaker B: What do you mean, what does he look like?
[00:57:49] Speaker A: What has he looked like?
And then I'm gonna have to roll a whatever to read whether he's, you know, actually lying or whatever.
[00:57:58] Speaker B: I mean, he seems to be.
[00:58:00] Speaker D: He's sitting cross legged at the edge of the eyeball trying to fish. He's casting the rod out and he's trying so hard not to think about what he thinks the dusk queen looks like so that he doesn't catch any part of the dust queen.
[00:58:16] Speaker B: But that's like trying not to think of a pink elephant.
[00:58:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, no.
[00:58:20] Speaker B: But hopefully you're wrong about what she looks like.
He seems to have a similar approach to identity that you do.
[00:58:33] Speaker A: Great.
All right. Listen.
[00:58:40] Speaker B: Do you need to kill me?
[00:58:41] Speaker A: That's kind of what I was wondering about. It's very funny.
[00:58:44] Speaker B: I figured I'd just. Just break the ice.
[00:58:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Do I. Do I need to kill you?
[00:58:49] Speaker B: I don't think so.
[00:58:51] Speaker G: What's your deal?
[00:58:52] Speaker A: What do you do? Why are you going to Gully's End? Can you go that way? Can you swim that direction for two days?
[00:58:58] Speaker B: He turns around. Probably not.
[00:59:00] Speaker A: There's no land anywhere.
[00:59:02] Speaker B: I mean, I could. Well, there's that boat over there.
[00:59:06] Speaker A: What points?
[00:59:07] Speaker B: He turns and points and there's a. There's a boat way off in the distance.
It's not a very big vessel from what you can tell from this. Okay, this distance, but you see, there's a lot of color on it.
That's about all you can tell from this distance.
[00:59:27] Speaker C: You said it looks like it's a smallish vessel or we can't tell its.
[00:59:31] Speaker B: Size from this distance. You don't think it's very large?
[00:59:35] Speaker E: It's colorful.
[00:59:36] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:59:38] Speaker D: We also have no idea how far.
[00:59:39] Speaker C: Away it is because we don't know how long a knot is.
[00:59:43] Speaker B: But if you. If you watch it and track it a little bit, it looks like it maybe is either intentionally or unintentionally moving to intercept your course.
[00:59:53] Speaker A: Oh.
Oh, okay.
[00:59:59] Speaker B: Maybe I can hitch a ride with them.
[01:00:02] Speaker A: Oh, God. Gnarly. I don't like you. But also, I get. I get why that's my problem. Okay? So just forgive me.
And the talk about killing you for multiple reasons, but it's very head pops.
[01:00:22] Speaker E: Out of a rutabago window.
[01:00:24] Speaker F: He's like, hey, the situation is that we don't want you to go away with anybody else because we don't know what you're gonna tell them.
[01:00:31] Speaker B: Yeah, okay.
[01:00:33] Speaker F: Sorry. I got in through the roof hole and I've been listening to the whole conversation. No, not the whole thing. I just got here.
Anyway. Do you want to try some mustard, Noah?
[01:00:46] Speaker B: Sure. He puts his hand up, blocking his. I can't do that while I'M on the microphone. He puts his hand up, blocking his mouth from Roscoe, and says to Will, should I try some?
[01:01:00] Speaker A: Yeah, sure.
[01:01:01] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:01:02] Speaker E: Rascoe's got two, like, sample spoons sticking.
[01:01:06] Speaker A: Out, like Baskin Robbins or something.
[01:01:11] Speaker B: Cold stone Creamery.
[01:01:13] Speaker E: One for. One for Gnar and One Foot Valencia.
[01:01:18] Speaker A: I thought they were both for nar, and I just. I'm, like, waiting for NAR to take it, and then I look at. And I'm like, ah.
[01:01:23] Speaker B: I was thinking it was like, one of those, like, adhesives where you have to take the two materials and mix them together. Some sort of a reaction happens.
[01:01:32] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a real nice mustard.
[01:01:34] Speaker D: Then I was picturing the wooden spoons that come with those little ice creams. Yeah, they're totally flat.
[01:01:41] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:01:43] Speaker C: Oh, it makes my teeth hurt.
[01:01:44] Speaker B: Yes.
[01:01:44] Speaker A: It's weird, right? To lick that wood. To lick that wood. You know what I'm saying? Gnarly high five.
[01:01:50] Speaker F: If it helps Valencio, I'll make the spoon into a vicious mockery. And salt.
[01:01:59] Speaker C: Oh, vroom, vroom.
[01:02:01] Speaker F: You suck. I'm mocking you.
Open up for the vicious mockery.
[01:02:07] Speaker A: I. I snap. I snatch the spoon like that. Like when it's right close to my face.
I look at Gnar. Is he eating his mustard?
[01:02:15] Speaker B: He takes a cautious lick. Watches you?
[01:02:18] Speaker A: Yeah, he's licking and watching me.
[01:02:20] Speaker B: It's not suggestive.
[01:02:22] Speaker A: Well, that definitely means.
[01:02:23] Speaker B: Fucking pervert.
[01:02:28] Speaker A: He's licking a spoon and looking into my eyes.
[01:02:30] Speaker B: I mean, it's a wood flat thing.
[01:02:33] Speaker A: I don't think it was a wood flat at first. It was just a spoon. He has mustard spoons. He said. I think.
[01:02:39] Speaker E: I think it seems like a note, like a look, like, commiserating about. Wow, Roscoe's wife.
[01:02:43] Speaker B: Weird, right? I think it's more like he's making sure it's okay to eat this mustard.
He's like, are you going to stop me with his eyes?
[01:02:54] Speaker A: And then I. I just shrug and eat it.
[01:02:57] Speaker B: Yeah, that's some. That's some mustard for sure.
[01:03:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Thanks, Rosco.
[01:03:03] Speaker F: That's one type of mustard. Now try this one, which has a little bit more mustard.
[01:03:14] Speaker E: It's a slightly larger sample of the same.
[01:03:19] Speaker A: Amazing.
[01:03:20] Speaker B: Is it a slightly larger spoon, or is it the same size spoon?
[01:03:25] Speaker E: No.
[01:03:25] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a smaller spoon with the same amount, but it looks like it's more.
[01:03:30] Speaker E: Jay's cutting corners now.
[01:03:33] Speaker A: I'm sorry. Sorry that it cut out. Sorry, guys.
[01:03:37] Speaker C: What cut out?
[01:03:37] Speaker A: Which part? Everybody, we couldn't hear anybody for a second. That was weird.
[01:03:41] Speaker C: Funny.
[01:03:41] Speaker B: Abby, you were Saying it's a smaller spoon with the same. I think you were going to say the same size mustard.
[01:03:46] Speaker C: It's a smaller spoon with the same amount. But it's an optical illusion.
[01:03:50] Speaker B: That's what they say.
[01:03:51] Speaker A: Clever, Rosco.
[01:03:54] Speaker C: Okay, not to waste your mustard.
[01:03:58] Speaker B: Yeah, that's some more.
[01:04:01] Speaker C: Rafina. Cartwheels to a stop at the rutabago.
[01:04:05] Speaker B: Are you dizzy?
[01:04:06] Speaker C: Okay, anyone want to do some Jazzercise with me? We gotta keep our land legs up to snuff here. We've spent a long time on the water. Almost 24 hours.
[01:04:22] Speaker B: What is Jazzercise? It sound fun.
[01:04:26] Speaker C: It is so fun.
[01:04:28] Speaker B: Guys. Jazzercise is fun.
[01:04:32] Speaker C: I'm reading the room. It's feeling a little tense.
[01:04:36] Speaker B: Why you keep calling this Aya room? Everyone.
[01:04:43] Speaker C: Will.
What conclusion have you come to about this gentleman here?
[01:04:55] Speaker A: I don't think it's safe for me to make that decision, Rafina. I think I've become more self aware in the past few weeks.
But also, let's not kill him. But also, maybe we have to. I look at him again, just right in front of him. We're just having this conversation.
He's. The problem is I can't. He's just look at him. He's like a blank slate. He's just like, hello, I'm nice and there's nothing else to me or something.
[01:05:19] Speaker C: I have a feeling that it will not bode well for you with any past or future relationships if you kill this person. I'm just saying, why not?
[01:05:30] Speaker A: Who says I want to have any past or future relationships?
[01:05:34] Speaker C: Because you're not in control of that. I'm in relationship with you and you never wanted that.
[01:05:39] Speaker F: Ah, Guys, I think the one future relationship that we should really be seriously concerned considering is, you know, our relationship with that boat that's coming toward us.
[01:05:52] Speaker A: Right.
[01:05:52] Speaker F: Bath.
[01:05:56] Speaker A: Time.
[01:05:59] Speaker F: How do. How do you know that that boat isn't surveilling us?
[01:06:05] Speaker D: Oh, it might be.
[01:06:09] Speaker F: What do you think we should do?
[01:06:13] Speaker D: Let's figure out who they are.
[01:06:15] Speaker H: Do you want me to sink them?
[01:06:26] Speaker D: Not yet.
[01:06:27] Speaker C: Can you tell if they're.
[01:06:28] Speaker E: I vote for this being a scene between Dusk Queen and Bathwick. Yeah, because I. I don't want anything to do with this slow talking.
Also, Alex has gotten away with not talking.
[01:06:48] Speaker H: Should I wait for your signal?
[01:06:55] Speaker A: Yes.
[01:06:57] Speaker D: Maybe they're friends.
[01:07:02] Speaker H: Okay, what is the signal?
[01:07:14] Speaker D: You'll see a bright light.
[01:07:18] Speaker H: Okay.
[01:07:21] Speaker A: Kick.
[01:07:22] Speaker C: What are you talking about?
[01:07:23] Speaker E: He sees the. She sees the sun.
[01:07:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I know.
[01:07:29] Speaker D: Every ship that comes close.
[01:07:33] Speaker B: We see something.
[01:07:34] Speaker D: No, Never mind. I don't see, like barely on the horizon. Just a limb comes up out of the water.
[01:07:44] Speaker C: Dusk Queen. Do you know if this is a. If this ship has. Have you seen this ship before?
[01:07:50] Speaker H: I cannot see this ship, man.
[01:07:55] Speaker C: I asked a yes, no question. Okay. So you can't see it?
[01:08:01] Speaker F: No.
[01:08:10] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Go back to talking to Kick.
[01:08:14] Speaker H: I think we have determined what we need to determine determin this time.
[01:08:30] Speaker A: I want to find out where this thing is talking from. If it's just an eye, I want to know where this voice is. Is it in our head? Is this voice in our head?
Will starts walking around trying to find a mouth.
[01:08:43] Speaker B: Give me an investigation check.
[01:08:46] Speaker E: Wow. It's a cruise. It's not cruising.
Walking around looking for a mouth.
[01:08:55] Speaker A: Seventeen.
[01:08:57] Speaker B: All right.
You look around, you're assuming it's not in the eye itself. So there's not many places to check. You scrounge around in the scrubby bushes for a little bit and you find a mouth.
[01:09:11] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Okay.
[01:09:13] Speaker B: It's like about the size of like a human head.
[01:09:16] Speaker A: What the.
[01:09:17] Speaker B: To pick the creepiest thing to compare the size of a mouth to, apparently.
[01:09:23] Speaker C: So the bushes are actually facial hair.
[01:09:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Like it's a mustache or something.
[01:09:27] Speaker B: Yeah, kind of.
[01:09:28] Speaker A: Really?
Wait, so. But it's a human head sized mouth and there's bush. Okay. Ah.
Are there teeth?
[01:09:36] Speaker B: The mouth is closed. Currently.
[01:09:37] Speaker A: Mouth is closed.
[01:09:39] Speaker B: Apparently she's not a mouth breather. Yeah.
[01:09:42] Speaker A: Oh. What kind of like, is it the same material as the rest of the island?
[01:09:46] Speaker B: It looks like a human mouth.
[01:09:48] Speaker A: Human mouth.
[01:09:49] Speaker F: What the. Wait.
[01:09:51] Speaker E: But it's the. But the mouth is the size of a human head.
[01:09:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Or a coconut.
[01:09:57] Speaker A: I like, if I was scrounging around in the bushes, I feel like I see the mouth. I like, do this and then I like. You see. Will just stand up from the bushes and look around to see if anyone is nearby so we can share this new information. Is anyone nearby?
[01:10:15] Speaker B: She means there.
[01:10:16] Speaker A: She may.
[01:10:18] Speaker B: What?
[01:10:18] Speaker A: Look at this.
[01:10:20] Speaker B: Oh, what the fuck?
[01:10:24] Speaker A: Exactly.
[01:10:28] Speaker B: All right. I guess it's not any weirder than the current situation.
[01:10:34] Speaker A: It's a relatively tiny mouth.
[01:10:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Right. And it's a relatively large eye.
[01:10:41] Speaker A: What the is this thing?
[01:10:42] Speaker B: Oh, no. I don't know. I've never seen anything like this before.
[01:10:47] Speaker E: I think this is evidence for my theory that the body is just a regular.
[01:10:51] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:10:52] Speaker C: For real?
[01:10:54] Speaker A: Yeah. You seem very calm about this.
[01:10:58] Speaker B: I mean, what am I supposed to do?
[01:11:00] Speaker A: Jump off inside? I'm kind of freaking out.
[01:11:03] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. It's.
[01:11:04] Speaker A: Well, and now there's a Boat coming. So maybe we can get on that boat.
[01:11:08] Speaker B: All right? Maybe we could take it by force.
[01:11:13] Speaker A: Look, is it tiny?
[01:11:15] Speaker B: Have you ever commandeered a ship?
[01:11:18] Speaker A: No, I don't think so. Wait, did we. Did we do that in the cave?
[01:11:23] Speaker B: Did I.
[01:11:25] Speaker A: No. Yeah, you kind of did.
[01:11:26] Speaker B: You.
[01:11:27] Speaker A: You steered that.
[01:11:28] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, the houseboat.
[01:11:31] Speaker A: Yeah, we did.
[01:11:32] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm a pirate. Yeah, I'm more of a pirate than you are.
[01:11:37] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:11:37] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right.
[01:11:38] Speaker E: With even an eye patch, right?
[01:11:40] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true.
[01:11:42] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:11:42] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Do you have an eye? We should have an eye patch. Do you have one?
[01:11:46] Speaker B: I thought you said it looked kind of cool.
[01:11:47] Speaker A: You do. But you know what's cool also? To have an eye patch.
You could have all kinds of different designs. Anyway, let's find a mouth patch for this thing and put it on that so we don't have to look at that anymore. Jesus.
[01:12:00] Speaker H: What's wrong with my mouth?
[01:12:05] Speaker A: Okay. How is it moving when you do that? Like, what is.
[01:12:08] Speaker B: It's like a human mouth.
[01:12:10] Speaker A: It's a human mouth with teeth.
[01:12:11] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:12:13] Speaker A: What are you.
[01:12:15] Speaker H: You asked me that before.
It was embarrassing enough the first time to say, I don't know.
[01:12:33] Speaker A: Oh, but I'm.
I think it's pretty. Hey, you're very unique. We've never seen anything like you.
You need. Yeah, it is, I guess it's deception. Oh.
[01:12:47] Speaker B: Oh, oh.
[01:12:52] Speaker A: 26. Oh, yeah.
[01:12:53] Speaker C: Oh, thank goodness.
[01:12:54] Speaker G: Super unique. You know how.
[01:12:55] Speaker A: You know, it's like a. It's like a rare gemstone. I'm just trying to find out what you are because I want to be able to tell everybody what you are.
[01:13:03] Speaker E: Or sell you.
[01:13:06] Speaker A: Or sell tickets for people to come.
That's a great honor for where I come from.
Like, yeah, it's. You know, I want to just be able to. To tell everybody who I've met, and I. How would I describe you? Other than you have a big eye? What do you have underneath? What's. What's. What's below the surface? I say kind of nervously, but still trying to. You ride on that deception roll.
[01:13:31] Speaker H: That doesn't seem like a polite question.
[01:13:39] Speaker A: It doesn't. Why not?
[01:13:42] Speaker H: What do you. You have beneath?
[01:13:47] Speaker A: Oh, I'm just boring and human like a lot of other humans on this island.
[01:13:54] Speaker H: But be specific.
[01:13:58] Speaker A: Do you mean under my clothes, under my skin, under my torso? What do you want to know?
[01:14:04] Speaker H: The works.
[01:14:07] Speaker A: The works? The works. I look at Chimi. Like, just slowly look at Chimi. Like, I.
[01:14:13] Speaker B: Well, under my clothes, I've got. I have two nipples, a belly button. I'VE got a couple chest hairs. I've got this nice little patch of hair running down south of my belly button.
I've got.
[01:14:35] Speaker A: All right, Shimi, that's enough. Oh, we don't need to know about. There's something that humans have that's like genitalia. It's kind of private situation. I'm not asking about your genitalia, Dusqueen. I'm asking just kind of like what's.
[01:14:50] Speaker G: The shape of the situation?
[01:14:52] Speaker A: Just because I want to be able to describe the magnificence that we've encountered.
[01:14:57] Speaker H: Maybe it would be fun to have all of you draw what you imagined.
[01:15:11] Speaker B: I.
I love that actually.
[01:15:17] Speaker A: I love that.
[01:15:23] Speaker H: I love it look like underwater.
[01:15:29] Speaker A: Does she really say that?
[01:15:30] Speaker B: Sure.
[01:15:31] Speaker A: Okay, well.
[01:15:36] Speaker B: Hey everyone, if you like what you hear, please leave us a kind review wherever you listen to us. Also consider supporting us by subscribing to us on ko
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